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Brock Allen edited this page Aug 16, 2018 · 56 revisions


oidc-client is a JavaScript library intended to run in browsers (and possibly Cordova style applications). It provides protocol support for OIDC and OAuth2, as well as management functions for user sessions and access tokens management.

If you are unfamiliar with OpenID Connect, then you should learn the protocol first. This library is designed as a spec-compliant protocol library.

There are two main classes that you might want to use depend on the level at with you use to use the library:

The UserManager class provides a higher level API for signing a user in, signing out, managing the user's claims returned from the OIDC provider, and managing an access token returned from the OIDC/OAuth2 provider. The UserManager is the primary feature of the library.

The OidcClient class provides the raw OIDC/OAuth2 protocol support for the authorization endpoint and the end session endpoint in the authorization server. It provides a bare-bones protocol implementation and is used by the UserManager class. Only use this class if you simply want protocol support without the additional management features of the UserManager class.

The remainder of this document will primarily focus on the UserManager.



The UserManager constructor requires a settings object as a parameter. The settings has these properties:

Required Settings

  • authority (string): The URL of the OIDC/OAuth2 provider.
  • client_id (string): Your client application's identifier as registered with the OIDC/OAuth2 provider.
  • redirect_uri (string): The redirect URI of your client application to receive a response from the OIDC/OAuth2 provider.
  • response_type (string, default: 'id_token'): The type of response desired from the OIDC/OAuth2 provider.
  • scope (string, default: 'openid'): The scope being requested from the OIDC/OAuth2 provider.

Provider settings if CORS not supported on OIDC/OAuth2 provider metadata endpoint

The authority URL setting is used to make HTTP requests to discover more information about the OIDC/OAuth2 provider and populate a metadata property on the settings. If the server does not allow CORS on the metadata endpoint, then these additional settings can be manually configured. These values can be found on the metadata endpoint of the provider:

  • metadata property which contains:
    • issuer
    • authorization_endpoint
    • userinfo_endpoint
    • end_session_endpoint
    • jwks_uri
  • signingKeys (which is the keys property of the jwks_uri endpoint)

Optional Authorization Request Settings

  • prompt
  • display
  • max_age
  • ui_locales
  • login_hint
  • acr_values

Other Optional Settings

  • clockSkew (number, default: 300): The window of time (in seconds) to allow the current time to deviate when validating id_token's iat, nbf, and exp values.
  • loadUserInfo (boolean, default: true): Flag to control if additional identity data is loaded from the user info endpoint in order to populate the user's profile.
  • filterProtocolClaims (boolean, default: true): Should OIDC protocol claims be removed from profile.
  • post_logout_redirect_uri (string): The OIDC/OAuth2 post-logout redirect URI.
  • popup_redirect_uri (string): The URL for the page containing the call to signinPopupCallback to handle the callback from the OIDC/OAuth2
  • popupWindowFeatures (string, default: 'location=no,toolbar=no,width=500,height=500,left=100,top=100'): The features parameter to for the popup signin window.
  • popupWindowTarget (string, default: '_blank'): The target parameter to for the popup signin window.
  • silent_redirect_uri (string): The URL for the page containing the code handling the silent renew.
  • automaticSilentRenew (boolean, default: false): Flag to indicate if there should be an automatic attempt to renew the access token prior to its expiration. The attempt is made as a result of the accessTokenExpiring event being raised.
  • silentRequestTimeout (number, default: 10000): Number of milliseconds to wait for the silent renew to return before assuming it has failed or timed out.
  • accessTokenExpiringNotificationTime (number, default: 60): The number of seconds before an access token is to expire to raise the accessTokenExpiring event.
  • userStore: (default: session storage): Storage object used to persist User for currently authenticated user. E.g. userStore: new WebStorageStateStore({ store: window.localStorage })
  • monitorSession [1.1.0]: (default: true): Will raise events for when user has performed a signout at the OP.
  • checkSessionInterval: (default: 2000): Interval, in ms, to check the user's session.
  • revokeAccessTokenOnSignout [1.2.1] (default: false): Will invoke the revocation endpoint on signout if there is an access token for the user.
  • includeIdTokenInSilentRenew [1.4.0] (default: true): Flag to control if id_token is included as id_token_hint in silent renew calls.
  • staleStateAge (default: 300): Number (in seconds) indicating the age of state entries in storage for authorize requests that are considered abandoned and thus can be cleaned up.
  • extraQueryParams: (object): An object containing additional query string parameters to be including in the authorization request. E.g, when using Azure AD to obtain an access token an additional resource parameter is required. extraQueryParams: {resource:"some_identifier"}


  • getUser: Returns promise to load the User object for the currently authenticated user.
  • removeUser: Returns promise to remove from any storage the currently authenticated user.
  • signinRedirect: Returns promise to trigger a redirect of the current window to the authorization endpoint.
  • signinRedirectCallback: Returns promise to process response from the authorization endpoint. The result of the promise is the authenticated User.
  • signinSilent: Returns promise to trigger a silent request (via an iframe) to the authorization endpoint. The result of the promise is the authenticated User.
  • signinSilentCallback: Returns promise to notify the parent window of response from the authorization endpoint.
  • signinPopup: Returns promise to trigger a request (via a popup window) to the authorization endpoint. The result of the promise is the authenticated User.
  • signinPopupCallback: Returns promise to notify the opening window of response from the authorization endpoint.
  • signoutRedirect: Returns promise to trigger a redirect of the current window to the end session endpoint.
  • signoutRedirectCallback: Returns promise to process response from the end session endpoint.
  • signoutPopup [1.4.0]: Returns promise to trigger a redirect of a popup window window to the end session endpoint.
  • signoutPopupCallback [1.4.0]: Returns promise to process response from the end session endpoint from a popup window.
  • querySessionStatus [1.1.0]: Returns promise to query OP for user's current signin status. Returns object with session_state and subject identifier.
  • startSilentRenew [1.4.0]: Enables silent renew for the UserManager.
  • stopSilentRenew [1.4.0]: Disables silent renew for the UserManager.
  • clearStaleState: Removes stale state entries in storage for incomplete authorize requests.


  • settings: Returns the settings used to configure the UserManager.
  • events: Returns an object used to register for events raised by the UserManager.
  • metadataService: Returns an object used to access the metadata configuration of the OIDC provider.


The UserManager will raise various events about the user's session:

  • userLoaded: Raised when a user session has been established (or re-established).
  • userUnloaded: Raised when a user session has been terminated.
  • accessTokenExpiring: Raised prior to the access token expiring.
  • accessTokenExpired: Raised after the access token has expired.
  • silentRenewError: Raised when the automatic silent renew has failed.
  • userSignedOut [1.1.0]: Raised when the user's sign-in status at the OP has changed.

To register for the events, there is an events property on the UserManager with addXxx and removeXxx APIs to add/remove callbacks for the events. An example:

var mgr = new UserManager();{
    console.log("token expiring...");


The User type is returned from the UserManager's getUser API. It contains these properties:

  • id_token: The id_token returned from the OIDC provider.
  • profile: The claims represented by a combination of the id_token and the user info endpoint.
  • session_state: The session state value returned from the OIDC provider.
  • access_token: The access token returned from the OIDC provider.
  • scope: The scope returned from the OIDC provider.
  • expires_at: The expires at returned from the OIDC provider.
  • expires_in: Calculated number of seconds the access token has remaining.
  • expired: Calculated value indicating if the access token is expired.
  • scopes: Array representing the parsed values from the scope.


The oidc-client-js library supports logging. You can set a logger by assigning Oidc.Log.logger to anything that supports a info, warn, and error methods that accept a params array. By default, no logger is configured.

The console object in the browser supports these, so a common way to easily enable logging in the browser is to simply add this code:

Oidc.Log.logger = console;

Also, logging has levels so you can control the verbosity by setting the Oidc.Log.level to one of Oidc.Log.NONE, Oidc.Log.ERROR, Oidc.Log.WARN, or Oidc.Log.INFO. The default is Oidc.Log.INFO.

Samples using oidc-client


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