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289 lines (233 loc) · 6.87 KB

File metadata and controls

289 lines (233 loc) · 6.87 KB

Rust Diesel -> ReasonML


For more simple CRUD apps, there is often a near 1-1 mapping of types from DB, to API, to FE. This packages tries to take advantage of this fact, and create this mapping. Specifically from a Diesel / Rust file, to a single file, that outputs ReasonML types in the conventional Module.t notation. It does so with reasonable flexibilty, allowing for:

  • Specifiying alias types
  • Specifiying mappings based on types and fieldnames (table.field)
  • Specifiying mappings for nested types
  • Add annotations (ppx's) for aliases and for types
  • Hide:
    • Modules (tables)
    • Fieldnames
    • Qualified types (table.field)


Using Docker

We provide a docker image that's synced with latest master, to make the process of diffing / generating these files easier. Given a project with the following folder structure:

- app
-- src
- config.yaml

One should be able to run the following command:

docker run -v $(pwd):/mnt/xyz konfigxyz/rust-reason-parser /mnt/xyz/config.yaml /mnt/xyz/app/src/

It works by mounting the entire project into the container, and subsequently running the parser on with the provided input.

Building from scratch


Pass in a filename and config file to the stack run command and get Reason parsed output. See example-config.yaml for an example config file.

stack run {example-config.yaml} {}



language: reason
    - uuid->string
    - arrayT->array
    - listT->list
    - optionT->option
    - Uuid->uuid
    - Text->string
    - Bool->bool
    - Int4->int
    - Float4->float
    - Array->array
    - Nullable->option
    - test.some_string->someRandomTypeName
    - decco
    - decco
    - bs.deriving jsConverter
    - hide_me 
    - hidden_id
    - qualified_field
    - another_qualified_field

table! {
    use diesel::sql_types::*;

    hide_me (hide_me_id) {
        hide_me_id -> Uuid,

table! {
    use diesel::sql_types::*;

    qualified_shown (test_id) {
        qualified_field -> Text,

table! {
    use diesel::sql_types::*;

    qualified_hide (test_id) {
        qualified_field -> Text,
        another_qualified_field -> Text,

table! {
    use diesel::sql_types::*;

    test (test_id) {
        test_id -> Uuid,
        hidden_id -> Uuid,
        some_string -> Text,
        some_bool -> Bool,
        some_int -> Int4,
        some_float -> Float4,
        some_array -> Array<Text>,
        some_option -> Nullable<Text>,


type uuid = string;

// module HideMe = { };

module QualifiedShown = {
  [@bs.deriving jsConverter]
  type t = {
    qualifiedField: string,

  type arrayT = array(t);

  type listT = list(t);

  type optionT = option(t);

module QualifiedHide = {
  [@bs.deriving jsConverter]
  type t = {
    // qualifiedField: string,
    // anotherQualifiedField: string,

  type arrayT = array(t);

  type listT = list(t);

  type optionT = option(t);

module Test = {
  [@bs.deriving jsConverter]
  type t = {
    testId: uuid,
    // hiddenId: uuid,
    someString: someRandomTypeName,
    someBool: bool,
    someInt: int,
    someFloat: float,
    someArray: array(string),
    someOption: option(string),

  type arrayT = array(t);

  type listT = list(t);

  type optionT = option(t);


  • Build
    stack build
  • Build & Run
    stack run {config.yaml} {} 

Configuration Keys (-vv)


Either reason or rescript.


To keep the output self-contained, we allow for the specification of alias types, that get printed at the top of the output.


We found quite often we would need array types next to the regular ones, and those would need to be annotated with our PPX's. This is messy and clutters this approach where this file is / stays auto-generated.


These are the base mappings. Based on the value of the type in the, we map the value of the type over. The name of the type get's passed as-is, only converted to camel-case.


Whenever we encounter something like Nullable<foo> we need to know what to map it too. These mappings can be specified here. Note that they recurse. So given the configuration above, and the input type Nullable<Array<Nullable<Int4>>, we would generate option(array(option(int))).


There may be cases where you don't want to switch based on the type's value, but rather on its name. For instance, when you want to save an convert a string to a variant type only relevant to the FE. This is where you would do that.

Annotations.(Alias-PPX | Type-PPX | Containerized-PPX)

PPX annotations can be used to annotate types so that they automatically get some extra nice-ties. Such as using decco for automatic JSON conversion, or bs-pancake to automatically generate lenses for each record entry. There are respectively intended for either aliases (which are printed at the top), or for the types themselves. Some PPX's, like decco require a sort of bottom-up approach, where every type in a record is also annotated itself. Hence the alias-ppx field. The containerized-ppx is the latest addition for more flexibility.


If the API you're building has some tables that are not to be exposed to the FE, here's where you would specify them. They'll be commented out in the output. Given that Reason will try to convert as-little as possible, the comments will automatically dissapear. However, for the more full-stack oriented, it might be nice to keep it in there, hence commented as opposed to deleted.


Sometimes one doesn't want to hide a full table, but instead a key that occurs on a bunch of tables. For instance a userId or companyId.


This is the more specific variant to tables / keys. It allows for the full specification of hiding (user.password) for instance.

NOTE - There is a difference in qualified notation between types and hiding. Reasoning here is that hiding multiple elements from a type is more common than having multiple convert-by-typename elements.


  • - Build 'the' definitive mapping as a good default
  • - Build this in CI
  • - Tests...
  • - Homebrew / ... ?