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Releases: microsoft/vcpkg


25 Feb 05:59
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vcpkg (2022.02.01 - 2022.02.23)

Total port count: 1895

Total port count per triplet (tested):

triplet ports available
x86-windows 1709
x64-windows 1754
x64-windows-static 1657
x64-windows-static-md 1659
x64-uwp 864
arm64-windows 1292
arm-uwp 820
x64-osx 1619
x64-linux 1686

The following documentation has been updated:

The following 11 ports have been added:
port version
xqilla 2.3.4
libe57format 2.2.0
randomstr 2022-02-03
c89stringutils 0.0.1
rhasheq 0.0.1
libgpiod 1.6.3
nu-book-zxing-cpp 1.2.0
libcurl-simple-https 2022-02-14
libao#23235 1.2.2
spirv-reflect 2021-12-31
triton 0.9
The following 182 ports have been updated:
  • winpcap 4.1.3#7 -> 4.1.3#8
  • lazy-importer 2021-10-23#0 -> 2022-02-09#0
  • qtopcua 6.2.2#0 -> 6.2.3#0
  • qtsensors 6.2.2#0 -> 6.2.3#0
  • cereal 1.3.0#1 -> 1.3.1#0
  • polyhook2 2021-05-09#2 -> 2022-02-02#0
  • rsocket 2021.08.30.00#0 -> 2021.08.30.00#1
    • (#22967) [Folly, fizz, wangle, proxygen, fbthrift, mvfst] Update to latest version (by @Thomas1664)
  • tinyexif 1.0.2#7 -> 2022-02-15#0
  • libtins 4.3#5 -> 4.3#6
  • imgui 1.86#0 -> 1.87#0
  • ffnvcodec ->
  • libsrtp 2.4.2#0 -> 2.4.2#1
  • restclient-cpp 0.5.2#1 -> 2022-02-09#0
  • qtwebsockets 6.2.2#0 -> 6.2.3#0
  • cuda 10.1#8 -> 10.1#9
  • opentelemetry-cpp 1.1.1#0 -> 1.2.0#0
  • implot 0.12#0 -> 0.13#0
  • librabbitmq 2020-06-03#1 -> 0.11.0#0
  • fbthrift 2022.01.31.00#1 -> 2022.01.31.00#1
  • embree2 2.17.7#3 -> 2.17.7#4
  • vcpkg-tool-meson 0.60.2#1 -> 0.60.2#2
  • theia 0.8#5 -> 0.8#6
  • opencv 4.5.4#1 -> 4.5.5#0
  • qtdoc 6.2.2#0 -> 6.2.3#0
  • ffmpeg 4.4.1#7 -> 4.4.1#9
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25 Feb 05:54
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vcpkg (2022.01.01 - 2022.01.31)

This release is a "backfill" release as folks found these more meaningful than expected, so we don't have port count information. The current 2022-02-24 release will have updated values.

The following documentation has been updated:

The following 11 ports have been added:
port version
cppxaml 0.0.16
flash-runtime-extensions#22717 2.4
nayuki-qr-code-generator 1.7.0
libslirp 4.6.1
oatpp-ssdp 1.3.0
cocoyaxi 2.0.3
gobject-introspection 1.70.0
readline-unix#22421 8.1
plf-hive 2021-12-11
simbody#22420 2022-01-04
minio-cpp 2022-01-03
The following 617 ports have been updated:
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25 Feb 05:52
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vcpkg (2021.12.01 - 2021.12.31)

This release is a "backfill" release as folks found these more meaningful than expected, so we don't have port count information. The current 2022-02-24 release will have updated values.

The following documentation has been updated:

The following 20 ports have been added:
port version
tl-ranges 2021-12-02
vcpkg-tool-meson#22032 0.60.2
optimus-cpp 0.3.0
qtdeviceutilities 6.2.2
eve 2021-10-16
libtess2 2021-12-27
qtapplicationmanager#21925 6.2.2
mvfst 0.1
kddockwidgets 1.5.0
vk-bootstrap 0.5
gmsh 4.9.0
qtinterfaceframework 6.2.2
libdc1394 2.2.6
foxi 2021-12-01
qhttpengine 1.0.2
qtpositioning 6.2.2
s2geometry 0.9.0
readline-osx 8.1
skcrypter 2021-12-03
tracy 0.7.8
The following 264 ports have been updated:
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25 Feb 05:50
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vcpkg (2021.11.01 - 2021.11.30)

This release is a "backfill" release as folks found these more meaningful than expected, so we don't have port count information. The current 2022-02-24 release will have updated values.

The following documentation has been updated:

The following 25 ports have been added:
port version
vcpkg-qmake 2021-10-23
highway 0.14.2
nifly 1.0.0
sjpeg 2021-10-31
winpty 0.4.3
libatomic-ops 7.7.0
libical#21582 3.0.11
libsercomm 1.3.2
vcpkg-gn 2021-11-16
ptyqt#21543 0.6.3
qtkeychain-qt6#21529 0.13.1
libjxl 0.6.1
libmount 2.37.2
oof 2021-11-23
squirrel 2021-09-17
libsecret 0.20.4
kdbindings 1.0.0
qwt-qt6 6.2.0
fastor#21702 2021-11-22
launch-darkly-server 2.4.3
mdspan 2021-11-03
azure-security-keyvault-certificates-cpp 4.0.0-beta.1
libalkimia 8.1.70
buck-yeh-bux-mariadb-client 1.0.1
The following 365 ports have been updated:
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25 Feb 05:48
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vcpkg (2021.10.01 - 2021.10.31)

This release is a "backfill" release as folks found these more meaningful than expected, so we don't have port count information. The current 2022-02-24 release will have updated values.

The following documentation has been updated:

The following 16 ports have been added:
port version
imath 3.1.3
kf5declarative#20934 5.84.0
graphviz#20953 2.49.1
bext-wintls 0.9.5
asio-grpc 1.1.2
compoundfilereader 0.1.0
kf5kio 5.84.0
cpp-jwt 2021-10-18
cminpack#21047 1.3.8
bext-sml 1.1.4
gst-rtsp-server 1.19.2
pffft 2021-10-09
kf5kcmutils 5.84.0
kf5newstuff 5.84.0
libopensp 1.5.2
The following 334 ports have been updated:
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25 Feb 05:26
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vcpkg (2021.09.01 - 2021.09.30)

This release is a "backfill" release as folks found these more meaningful than expected, so we don't have port count information. The current 2022-02-24 release will have updated values.

The following documentation has been updated:

The following 68 ports have been added:
port version
kf5textwidgets#20202 5.84.0
kf5package#20202 5.84.0
kf5xmlgui#20346 5.84.0
aws-c-http 0.6.5
guilite 2021-07-31
autodock-vina 1.2.2
boost-lambda2 1.77.0
scottt-debugbreak 1
kf5bookmarks 5.84.0
qtwebengine 6.2.0
kf5globalaccel#20202 5.84.0
calceph 3.5.0
tl-generator 2021-09-28
qtserialbus 6.2.0
libcanberra 0.3
libsbsms 2.3.0
rsm-bsa 2.0.3
boinc#20404 7.18.1
aws-c-auth 0.6.3
neon2sse 2021-09-16
boost-property-map-parallel 1.77.0
kf5service#20202 5.84.0
rsm-mmio#20416 1.1.0
concurrencpp 0.1.3
aws-c-s3 0.1.25
onnx-optimizer 0.2.6
azure-security-keyvault-secrets-cpp 4.0.0-beta.1
srell 2.92
qtmultimedia 6.2.0
mapnik#20368 2021-09-15
stduuid#20161 2021-08-30
aws-c-mqtt 0.7.6
aws-crt-cpp#20189 0.15.1
treehh 3.16
kf5iconthemes#20202 5.84.0
aws-c-io 0.10.7
aws-c-cal 0.5.11
cpp-timsort 2.1.0
s2n#20222#20277 1.0.17
rsm-binary-io 2.0.2
kf5notifications 5.84.0
simdutf#19987 1.0.0
qtsensors 6.2.0
qtremoteobjects 6.2.0
qtwebsockets 6.2.0
qtwebview 6.2.0
qtconnectivity 6.2.0
vcpkg-tool-nodejs 14.17.4
boost-describe 1.77.0
qtserialport 6.2.0
libgxps 0.3.2
qtlocation 6.2.0
sbp 3.4.10
rexo 0.2.2
lager 2021-06-17
co 2.0.1
qtwebchannel 6.2.0
tvision 2021-08-10
azure-storage-queues-cpp 12.0.0-beta.1
uthash 2.3.0
promise-cpp 2.1.2
kubernetes 0.0.1
oatpp-openssl 1.2.5
gemmlowp 2021-09-28
aws-c-compression 0.2.14
kf5diagram 2.8.0
buck-yeh-bux 1.4.1
cpp-ipc 1.0.0
The following 1255 ports have been updated:
  • quickfast 1.5#0 -> 1.5#1
  • coin 4.0.0#2 -> 4.0.0#3
  • osi 0.108.6#0 -> 0.108.6#1
  • lcms 2.11#1 -> 2.12#2
  • systemc 2.3.3-4#0 -> 2.3.3#5
  • gumbo 0.10.1-3#0 -> 0.10.1#4
  • munit 2019-04-06#1 -> 2019-04-06#2
  • ismrmrd 1.5.0#0 -> 1.5.0#1
  • jsoncpp 1.9.4#0 -> 1.9.4#1
  • atkmm 2.36.0#0 -> 2.36.0#1
  • boost-asio 1.76.0#0 -> 1.77.0#0
  • boost-iostreams 1.76.0#0 -> 1.77.0#0
  • dbow2 2019-08-05#0 -> 2019-08-05#1
  • stormlib 2019-05-10#2 -> 2019-05-10#3
  • libiconv 1.16#10 -> 1.16#11
    • (#19120) Fix target_link_libraries on repeated inclusion of wrappers (by @dg0yt)
  • jemalloc 4.3.1-4#0 -> 4.3.1#5
  • boost-vmd 1.76.0#0 -> 1.77.0#0
  • kf5i18n 5.84.0#1 -> 5.84.0#3
  • cspice 66#4 -> 66#5
  • mujs 2018-07-30-1#0 -> 2018-07-30#2
  • boost-range 1.76.0#0 -> 1.77.0#0
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25 Feb 05:18
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vcpkg (2021.08.01 - 2021.08.31)

This release is a "backfill" release as folks found these more meaningful than expected, so we don't have port count information. The current 2022-02-24 release will have updated values.

The following documentation has been updated:

The following 20 ports have been added:
port version
daw-json-link#19755 2.10.2
bshoshany-thread-pool#19582 1.9
kwsys 2021-08-06
zug 2021-04-23
kf5solid 5.84.0
opentelemetry-cpp 1.0.0-rc4
kf5attica 5.84.0
rbdl-orb#19453 3.0.0
portsmf#19423 0.236
daw-header-libraries#19755 1.21.1
libunifex 2021-08-01
kf5wallet 5.84.0
onnx 1.9.0
daw-utf-range#19755 2.1.0
srpc 0.9.3
spix 0.3
kf5configwidgets 5.84.0
libsnoretoast 0.8.0
kf5jobwidgets 5.84.0
The following 153 ports have been updated:
  • freetype 2.10.4#0 -> 2.11.0#0
  • libepoxy 1.5.5#0 -> 1.5.5#1
  • libzippp 4.1-1.8.0#0 -> 5.0-1.8.0#0
  • starlink-ast 9.2.4#0 -> 9.2.4#1
    • (#19361) [vcpkg baseline][vcpkg_configure_make] Pass make tool to vcpkg_build_make (by @dg0yt)
  • liblo 0.31#0 -> 0.31#1
  • eabase 2.09.12-1#0 -> 2.09.12#2
  • sentencepiece v0.1.82#0 -> 0.1.82#1
  • ginkgo 1.3.0#0 -> 1.4.0#0
  • approval-tests-cpp 10.9.1#0 -> 10.10.0#0
  • drogon 1.7.1#1 -> 1.7.1#2
  • libffi 3.4.2#0 -> 3.4.2#1
  • azure-security-keyvault-keys-cpp 4.0.0-beta.4#1 -> 4.0.0#1
  • ptex 2.3.2#2 -> 2.3.2#3
    • (#19453) [vcpkg baseline][rbdl-orb/rbdl/ptex] file conflicts, skip rbdl-orb in CI testing (by @PhoebeHui)
  • rmlui 4.1#0 -> 4.2#0
  • functions-framework-cpp 0.5.0#0 -> 0.6.0#0
    • (#19603) [functions-framework-cpp] update to latest release (v0.6.0) (by @coryan)
  • vcpkg-cmake 2021-07-26#0 -> 2021-07-30#0
    • (#19245) [vcpkg-cmake] Fix docs and usage of option MAYBE_UNUSED_VARIABLES (by @JackBoosY)
  • bullet3 3.17#0 -> 3.17#1
  • keystone 0.9.2#0 -> 0.9.2#1
  • kf5syntaxhighlighting 5.84.0#0 -> 5.84.0#1
    • (#19245) [vcpkg-cmake] Fix docs and usage of option MAYBE_UNUSED_VARIABLES (by @JackBoosY)
  • ffmpeg 4.4#12 -> 4.4#14
    • (#16007) [fdk-aac] make patent-encumbered HE-AAC optional (by @Be-ing)
    • (#19358) [ffmpeg/opencv4] Update opencv4 feature dependency and remove ffmpeg feature 'postproc' from default feature (by @PhoebeHui)
  • libiconv 1.16#9 -> 1.16#10
  • libmt32emu 2.5.0#0 -> 2.5.3#0
  • catch2 2.13.6#1 -> 2.13.6#2
  • google-cloud-cpp 1.30.1#0 -> 1.30.1#1
    • (#19336) [google-cloud-cpp] update to latest version (v1.30.0) (by @coryan)
    • (#19507) [google-cloud-cpp] update to latest release (v1.30.1) (by @coryan)
    • (#19600) [google-cloud-cpp] use features to stop package growth (by @coryan)
  • cgns 3.4.0-1#0 -> 4.2.0#0
  • kf5plotting 5.84.0#0 ...
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25 Feb 05:12
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vcpkg (2021.07.01 - 2021.07.31)

This release is a "backfill" release as folks found these more meaningful than expected, so we don't have port count information. The current 2022-02-24 release will have updated values.

The following documentation has been updated:

The following 19 ports have been added:
port version
klein 2021-05-09
starlink-ast 9.2.4
libunistring 0.9.10
liburing 2
libe57 1.1.312
pcapplusplus 21.05
d3d12-memory-allocator 2021-05-05
rmlui 4.1
advobfuscator 2020-06-26
sleepy-discord 2021-07-07
omplapp 1.5.1
ms-quic 1.2.0
xlsxio 2021-03-24
imguizmo 1.83
kf5sonnet 5.84.0
apsi 0.2.0
mapbox-wagyu 0.5.0
ftxui 2021-06-17
cctag 1.0.0
The following 364 ports have been updated:
  • qt 6.1.1#0 -> 6.1.2#0
  • boost-mp11 1.75.0#0 -> 1.76.0#0
  • kf5windowsystem 5.81.0#0 -> 5.84.0#0
  • gl3w `2018-05-31...
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25 Feb 05:05
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vcpkg (2021.05.12 - 2021.06.30)

This release is a "backfill" release as folks found these more meaningful than expected, so we don't have port count information. The current 2022-02-24 release will have updated values.

The following documentation has been updated:

The following 47 ports have been added:
port version
qtopcua#18320 6.1.0
approval-tests-cpp 10.9.1
qtdoc#18320 6.1.0
aom 3.1.0
qtdatavis3d#18320 6.1.0
kf5codecs 5.81.0
qtwayland#18320 6.1.0
qt5compat#18320 6.1.0
qtshadertools#18320 6.1.0
avcpp#17985 2021-05-06
qtbase#18320 6.1.0
atomic-queue 2021-05-03
sleef 3.5.1
kf5dbusaddons 5.81.0
qtquickcontrols2#18320 6.1.0
winlamb 2020-10-15
qttranslations#18320 6.1.0
qt#18320 6.1.0
kf5auth 5.81.0
qtimageformats#18320 6.1.0
qtquicktimeline#18320 6.1.0
qtactiveqt#18320 6.1.0
qtcoap#18320 6.1.0
qtsvg#18320 6.1.0
qtmqtt#18320 6.1.0
libavif 0.9.1
tensorpipe 2021-04-26
luasec 1.0.1
bsio 1.0.0
xnnpack 2021-05-17
hexl 1.1.0
qtdeclarative#18320 6.1.0
gstreamer 1.18.4
zlib-ng 2.0.3
qtvirtualkeyboard#18320 6.1.0
libsmb2 2021-04-29
transwarp 2.2.2
qttools#18320 6.1.0
qtlottie#18320 6.1.0
aricpp 1.1.1
qtscxml#18320 6.1.0
qtquick3d#18320 6.1.0
qtnetworkauth#18320 6.1.0
bddisasm 1.32.1
qtcharts#18320 6.1.0
yomm2 1.1.2
qt6betablock 6.2.0-beta
The following 240 ports have been updated:
  • cpp-base64 2019-06-19#0 -> V2.rc.08#0
  • libspatialindex 1.9.0#0 -> 1.9.3#0
  • ctp 6.3.15_20190220_se#1 -> 6.6.1_P1_20210406_se#0
  • flashlight-cpu 0.3#1 -> 0.3#2
  • azure-security...
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13 May 19:56
Choose a tag to compare

vcpkg (2021.05.01 - 2021.05.12)

Total port count:

Total port count per triplet (tested):

triplet ports available
x64-windows 1531
x64-linux 1441
x64-osx 1348
x86-windows 1521
x64-windows-static-md 1468
x64-windows-static 1455
arm64-windows 1139
x64-uwp 856
arm-uwp 811
The following documentation has been updated:
The following changes have been made to vcpkg:
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