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help messages shouldnt exceed 80 columns #23392

trufae opened this issue Sep 26, 2024 · 2 comments

help messages shouldnt exceed 80 columns #23392

trufae opened this issue Sep 26, 2024 · 2 comments


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trufae commented Sep 26, 2024

it can be a good excuse to improve the help message for each command too

[0x00000000]> ?* | grep -E '.{81,}'
ERROR: Not running in interactive mode
| @B:nth              temporary seek to nth instruction in current bb (negative numbers too)
| @c:cmd              seek to the address printed by the given command. same as '@ `cmd`'
| @r:reg              tmp seek to reg value (f.ex pd@r:PC, see also $r{PC} and $r:PC)
| @@==foo bar         run the previous command appending a word on each iteration
| x @@ sym.*          run 'x' over all flags matching 'sym.' in current flagspace
| x @@.file           run 'x' over the offsets specified in the file (one offset per line)
| x @@/x 9090         temporary set cmd.hit to run a command on each search result
| x @@i               run 'x' on all instructions of the current function (see pdr)
| '?e hello @ world  print the given string, including the @ sign and the rest (
| '0x123'?v $$       run the '?v $$' command in the 0x123 offset (same as r2.callAt)
| =[fd] cmd                     exec cmd at remote 'fd' (last open is default one)
| =+ [proto://]host:port        connect to remote host:port (*rap://, raps://, tcp://, udp://, http://)
| =l[?]                         list, create or destroy background session server
| =tport                        start the tcp server (echo x|nc ::1 9090 or curl ::1:9090/cmd/x)
| =H[?]                         start the http webserver (and launch the web browser)
| ? eip-0x804800                   show all representation result for this math expr
| ?'                               show help for the single quote (do not evaluate special characters in command)
| ?= eip-0x804800                  update $? return code with result of operation
| ?d [num]                         disasssemble given number as a little and big endian dword
| ?e[=bdgnpst] arg                 echo messages, bars, pie charts and more (see ?e? for details)
| ?f [num] [str]                   map each bit of the number as flag string index
| ?i[?] arg                        prompt for number or Yes,No,Msg,Key,Path and store in $$?
| ?l[q] str                        returns the length of string ('q' for quiet, just set $?)
| ?p vaddr                         get physical address for given virtual address
| ?q num|expr                      compute expression like ? or ?v but in quiet mode
| ?v num|expr                      show hex value of math expr (no expr prints $?)
| ?w addr                          show what's in this address (like pxr/pxq does)
| ?x+num                           like ?v, but in hexpairs honoring cfg.bigendian
| "?                    show this help, NOTE that a single quote is simpler and works the same
| ""[cmd]               directly call a command ignoring all special chars (fast)
| ""?e x;y";"?e y;x     run two commands ignoring special chars (prints x;y";"?e y;x) 
| */                   end multiline comment. (use '/*' to start mulitiline comment
Usage: .[r2cmd] | [file] | [!command] | [(macro)]  # define macro or interpret r2, r_lang,
 :sql           .tostring() == .tosql() # export table contents in SQL statements
| =[fd] cmd                     exec cmd at remote 'fd' (last open is default one)
| =+ [proto://]host:port        connect to remote host:port (*rap://, raps://, tcp://, udp://, http://)
| =l[?]                         list, create or destroy background session server
| =tport                        start the tcp server (echo x|nc ::1 9090 or curl ::1:9090/cmd/x)
| =H[?]                         start the http webserver (and launch the web browser)
| /! ff                             search for first occurrence not matching, command modifier
| /!x 00                            inverse hexa search (find first byte != 0x00)
| /a[?][1aoditfmsltf] jmp eax       find instructions by text or bytes (asm/disasm)
| /b[?][p]                          search backwards, command modifier, followed by other command
| /E esil-expr                      offset matching given esil expressions $$ = here
| /g[g] [from]                      find all graph paths A to B (/gg follow jumps, see search.count and anal.depth)
| /h[?][algorithm] [digest] [size]  find block of size bytes having this digest. See ph
| /m[?][ebm] magicfile              search for magic, filesystems or binary headers
| /O [n]                            same as /o, but with a different fallback if anal cannot be used
| /s[*] [threshold]                 find sections by grouping blocks with similar entropy
| /r[?][erwx] sym.printf            analyze opcode reference an offset (/re for esil)
| /R[?] [grepopcode]                search for matching ROP gadgets, semicolon-separated
| /V[1248] min max                  look for an `cfg.bigendian` 32bit value in range
| /wi foo                           search for wide string ignoring case 'f\0o\0o\0'
| /x[?] [bytes]                     search for hex string with mask, ignoring some nibbles
| /a1 [number]           find valid assembly generated by changing only the nth byte
| /aa mov eax            linearly find aproximated assembly (case insensitive strstr)
| /aF[d] opstr           find instructions matching given opstr only in analyzed code
| /ai[j] 0x300 [0x500]   find all the instructions using that immediate (in range)
| /az[q] ([minstr])      search assembly constructed strings (q)uiet reduces FP (uses bin.minsz)
| /ad rax$        search in plaintext disasm for instruction matchin given glob expression
| /at [optype,optype2]   list instructions matching any of the comma separated optypes
| /b[x] [str|414243]  search in hexadecimal 'ABC' backwards starting in current address
| /ca[?] [algo]           search for keys expanded in memory (algo can be 'aes' or 'sm4')
| /cc[?] [algo] [digest]  find collisions (bruteforce block length values until given checksum is found)
| /cg                     search for GPG/PGP keys and signatures (Plaintext and binary form)
| /ck                     find well known constant tables from different hash and crypto algorithms
| /h[?][algorithm] [digest] [size]  find block of size bytes having this digest. See ph
| /xn[1|2|4|8] value amount    search for an array of Value repeated Amount of times
| /xv[1|2|4|8] v0 v1 v2 v3 ..  search for an array of values with given size and endian
| #!?q                                list all available lang plugin names (See Ll?)
| #!<lang>                            enter interactive prompt for given language plugin
| #!pipe node -e 'console.log(123)''  run program with arguments inside an r2pipe environment
| a:[cmd]          run a command implemented by an analysis plugin (like : for io)
| ad[?]            analyze data trampoline (wip) (see 'aod' to describe mnemonics)
| an[?] [name]     show/rename/create whatever var/flag/function used in current instruction
| aac* [len]             flag function calls without performing a complete analysis
| aaf[?][efrt]           analyze all functions relationships with flags, type matching and consecutive
| aaF [sym*]             set for all the spaces between flags matching glob
| aaFa [sym*]            same as aaF but uses af/a2f instead of af+/afb+ (slower but more accurate)
| aan[?][fgr]            autoname functions (aang = golang, aanr = noreturn propagation, aanf = afna@@F)
| aat [fcn]              analyze all/given function to convert immediate to linked structure offsets (see tl?)
| aau [len]              list mem areas (larger than len bytes) not covered by functions
| aaw                    analyze all meta words (Cd) and add r. named flags for referenced pointers
| aae                  honor anal.{in,from,to} and emulate all executable regions
| aaef                 emulate all functions using esil to find out computed references (same as aef@@@F)
| aaepa                run 'aep ret0@@@i' and then 'aaep' - all unknown imports are faked to return 0
| aaex                 emulate all code linearly and register only the computed xrefs
| aar [sz]   analyze xrefs starting in current offset until sz bytes are consumed
| aarr       analyze all function reference graph to find more functions (EXPERIMENTAL)
| ab [addr]            show basic block information at given address (same as abi/afbi)
| abc[-] [color]       change color of the current basic block (same as afbc, abc- to unset)
| abe [esil-expr]      assign esil expression to basic block (see: aeb, dre, afbd)
| acll[j] (class_name)                                       list all or single class detailed
| acv [class name] [addr] ([offset]) ([size])                add vtable address to class
| acvf [offset] ([class name])                               lookup function address on vtable offset
| acv- [class name] [vtable id]                              delete vtable by id (from acv [class name])
| acb- [class name] [base class id]                          delete base by id (from acb [class name])
| acg                                                        print inheritance ascii graph
| aefa [addr]              emulate function to find out args in given or current offset
| aet[?][s]                esil trace listing and session management (requires aeim)
| aev [esil]               visual esil debugger for the given expression or current instruction
| aeim                     initialize esil memory with default values from esil.stack.* evals
| aepa ([addr])                        auto set pin in current or given address by flag name (see aaep)
| aep               set a 'soft.' esil pin, only executed in the disasm loop
| ar.>$snapshot         show r2 commands to set register values to the current state
| arp [gdb] [regprofile-file]  parse gdb register profile and dump an r2 profile string
| arp*                         print r2 commands creating flags for each register inside the arena offset
| arpi                         show internal representation of the register profile
| NOTE:                        this help will show arp if you run drp? when cfg.debug=0
| aess                           step skip (in case of CALL, just skip, instead of step into)
| af ([name]) ([addr])                     analyze functions (start at addr or $$)
| af- [addr]                               clean all function analysis data (or function at addr)
| afa                                      analyze function arguments in a call (afal honors dbg.funcarg)
| afB 16                                   set current function as thumb (change asm.bits)
| afbF([0|1])                              Toggle the basic-block 'folded' attribute
| afC[?] ([addr])@[addr]                   calculate the Cycles (afC) or Cyclomatic Complexity (afCc)
| afd[addr]                                show function + delta for given offset
| afi [addr|]                      show function(s) information (verbose afl)
| afj [tableaddr] [elem_sz] [count] [seg]  analyze function jumptable (adding seg to each elem)
| afl[?] [ls*] [fcn name]                  list functions (addr, size, bbs, name) (see afll)
| afn[?] name [addr]                       rename name for function at address (change flag too)
| afna                                     suggest automatic name for current offset
| afo[?j] []                       show address for the function name or current offset
| afs[?] ([fcnsign])                       get/set function signature at current address (afs! uses cfg.editor)
| afS[stack_size]                          set stack frame size for function at current address
| afu addr                                 resize and analyze function from current address until addr
| afv[?]                                   manipulate args, registers and variables in function
| .afbr-                                        set breakpoint on every return address of the function
| .afbr-*                                       remove breakpoint on every return address of the function
| afb,                                          show basic blocks of current function in a table
| afb=                                          display ascii-art bars for basic block regions
| afba[!]                                       list basic blocks of current offset in analysis order (EXPERIMENTAL, see afla)
| afbc[-] [color] ([addr])                      colorize basic block (same as 'abc', afbc- to unset)
| afbd                                          list function basic block dependency list in order and set abe values
| afbe bbfrom bbto                              add basic-block edge for switch-cases
| afbi[j]                                       print current basic block information
| afbj [addr]                                   show basic blocks information in json
| afbr                                          show addresses of instructions which leave the function
| afbo                                          list addresses of each instruction for every basic block in function (see abo)
| afB [bits]                                    define asm.bits for the given function
| aflx[?*jv]     list function xrefs (who references or calls the current function)
| afn.        same as afn without arguments. show the function name in current offset
| afs ([fcnsign])                  get/set function signature at current address (afs! uses cfg.editor)
| afsq                             same as afs without the error message (See afsQ for non-current offset)
| afs!                             edit current function signature with cfg.editor
| afsv[j]                          print function signature filling the values from current reg and stack state
| afv*                          output r2 command to add args/locals to flagspace
| afv=                          list function variables and arguments with disasm refs
| afvd name                     output r2 command for displaying the value of args/locals in the debugger
| w [path]                write to path or display graph image (see graph.gv.format)
| agn title1 body1                          add a node with title "title1" and body "body1"
| agn "title with space" "body with space"  add a node with spaces in the title and in the body
| agn title1 base64:Ym9keTE=                add a node with the body specified as base64
| age title1 title2                add an edge from the node with "title1" as title to the one with title "title2"
| age "title1 with spaces" title2  add an edge from node "title1 with spaces" to node "title2"
| age- title1 title2               remove an edge from the node with "title1" as title to the one with title "title2"
| ah.                          list hints in human-readable format from current offset
| aha ppc @ 0x42               force arch ppc for all addrs >= 0x42 or until the next hint
| aha 0 @ 0x84                 disable the effect of arch hints for all addrs >= 0x84 or until the next hint
| ahi[?] 10                    define numeric base for immediates (2, 8, 10, 10u, 16, i, p, S, s)
| aht[?][s] <type>             mark immediate as a type offset (deprecated, moved to "aho")
| ahv val                      change opcode's val field (useful to set jmptbl sizes in jmp rax)
| ahi 10|d    set base to signed decimal (10), sign bit should depend on receiver size
Usage: an  [aj*] # analyze name for the current address (see fd and aan commands)
| ar.>$snapshot         show r2 commands to set register values to the current state
| arp [gdb] [regprofile-file]  parse gdb register profile and dump an r2 profile string
| arp*                         print r2 commands creating flags for each register inside the arena offset
| arpi                         show internal representation of the register profile
| NOTE:                        this help will show arp if you run drp? when cfg.debug=0
| axm addr [at]   copy data/code references pointing to addr to also point to curseek (or at)
| axfj [addr]  find data/code references to this address and print in json format
| axtj ([addr])  find data/code references to this address and print in json format
| b64:AA=  receive a base64 string that is executed without evaluating special chars
| cg[?][afo] [file]        compare graphdiff current file and find similar functions
| cV[1248] [addr] @at      compare 1,2,4,8-byte address contents (silent, return in $?)
| cu2 $$+1 > p                 compare words (half, 16bit) from current seek and +1
| C                                              list meta info in human friendly form
| C*.                                            list meta info of current offset in r2 commands
| C- [len] [[@]addr]                             delete metadata at given address range
| C.                                             list meta info of current offset in human friendly form
| CCa[+-] [addr] [text]                          add/remove comment at given address
| CL[-][*] [file:line] [addr]                    show or add 'code line' information (bininfo)
| CS[-][space]                                   manage meta-spaces to filter comments, etc..
| C[Cthsdmf]                                     list comments/types/hidden/strings/data/magic/formatted in human friendly form
| C[Cthsdmf]*                                    list comments/types/hidden/strings/data/magic/formatted in r2 commands
| Cd[-] [size] [repeat] [@addr]                  hexdump data array (Cd 4 10 == dword [10])
| Cd. [@addr]                                    show size of data at current address
| Cb[?][-] [addr] [@addr]                        bind both addresses for reflines purposes
| Cr[?][-] [sz] [r2cmd] [@addr]                  run the given command to replace SZ bytes in the disasm
| Ct[?] [-] [comment-text] [@addr]               add/remove type analysis comment
| Ct.[@addr]                                     show comment at current or specified address
| dct <len>                    traptrace from curseek to len, no argument to list
| dd[*] <file|addr>          open file as read-only (r--); addr = use as char* for path
| dd+[*] <file|addr>         open/create file as read-write (rw-); addr = use as char* for path
| dm address size                   allocate <size> bytes at <address> (anywhere if address is -1) in child process
| dm=                               list memory maps of target process (ascii-art bars)
| dmd[aw] [file]                    dump current (all or writable) debug map region to a file (from-to.dmp) (see Sd)
| dmi* [addr|libname] [symname]     list symbols of target lib in radare commands
| dmis [libname]                    same as .dmi* - import all symbols from given lib as flags
| dml <file>                        load contents of file into the current map region
| dmm[?][j*]                        list modules (libraries, binaries loaded in memory)
| dmp[?] <address> <size> <perms>   change page at <address> with <size>, protection <perms> (perm)
| dmL address size                  allocate <size> bytes at <address> and promote to huge page
| dmh @[malloc_state]                          List heap chunks of a particular arena
| dmh                                          List the chunks inside the heap segment
| dmh*                                         Display heap details as radare2 commands
| dmha                                         List all malloc_state instances in application
| dmhb @[malloc_state]                         Display all parsed Double linked list of main_arena's or a particular arena bins instance
| dmhb [bin_num|bin_num:malloc_state]          Display parsed double linked list of bins instance from a particular arena
| dmhbg [bin_num]                              Display double linked list graph of main_arena's bin [Under developemnt]
| dmhc @[chunk_addr]                           Display malloc_chunk struct for a given malloc chunk
| dmhf @[malloc_state]                         Display all parsed fastbins of main_arena's or a particular arena fastbinY instance
| dmhf [fastbin_num|fastbin_num:malloc_state]  Display parsed single linked list in fastbinY instance from a particular arena
| dmhg [malloc_state]                          Display heap graph of a particular arena
| dmhg                                         Display heap graph of heap segment
| dmhi @[malloc_state]                         Display heap_info structure/structures for a given arena
| dmhj                                         List the chunks inside the heap segment in JSON format
| dmhm[*j]                                     List all malloc_state instance of a particular arena (@ malloc_state#addr)
| dmht                                         Display all parsed thread cache bins of all arena's tcache instance
| dor [rarun2]  comma separated list of k=v rarun2 profile options (e dbg.profile)
| dr??                 same as dr?`drp~=[0]+` # list all reg roles alias names and values
| drv[?]               show vector registers (also known as sve / packed / multimedia)
| arp [gdb] [regprofile-file]  parse gdb register profile and dump an r2 profile string
| arp*                         print r2 commands creating flags for each register inside the arena offset
| arpi                         show internal representation of the register profile
| NOTE:                        this help will show arp if you run drp? when cfg.debug=0
| dsuo <optype> [<optype> ...]  step until an instr matches one of the <optype>s.
| dt=                                show ascii-art color bars with the debug trace ranges
| dtd[qi] [nth-start]                list all traced disassembled (quiet, instructions)
| dtg*                               graph in agn/age commands. use .dtg*;aggi for visual
| dts[?]                             manage trace sessions, used for step back (EXPERIMENTAL)
| dxrs <hexpairs>             execute opcodes and restore state, excluding the stack
| e scr.color=0          use more colors (0: no color 1: ansi 16, 2: 256, 3: 16M)
| ecHw[word] [color]  highlight 'word ' in current instruction with 'color' background
| f                         list flags (will only list flags from selected flagspaces)
| [email protected]           delete local label from function at current seek (also f.-)
| f-@addr                   remove flag at address expression (same as f-$$ or f-0x..)
| fe [name]                 create flag name.#num# enumerated flag. (f.ex: fe foo @@= 1 2 3 4)
| fla [glob]                automatically compute the size of all flags matching glob
| fnj                       list flags displaying the real name (demangled) in JSON format
| fN [[name]] [realname]    set flag real name (if no flag name current seek one is used)
| fr [[old]] [new]          rename flag (if no new flag current seek one is used)
| ft[?]*                    flag tags, useful to find all flags matching some words
Usage: fD[*.j]  [rawname]   # filter/mangle raw symbol name to be valid flag name
| fD rawname   print the mangled flag name using the raw name, see the ' command prefix
Usage: fR  [from] [to] ([mask])   # Relocate flags matching a mask asuming old and new base addresses
| ig[?][h]     guess size of binary program (igh use human units instead of number of bytes)
| ic+[klass.method]  add new symbol in current seek for a given klass and method name
| icc [lang]         List classes, methods and fields in Header Format (see bin.lang=swift,java,objc,cxx)
| icg [str]          List classes hirearchy graph with agn/age (match str if provided)
| icqq               List classes, in quieter mode (only show non-system classnames)
| icl[c]             Show addresses of class and it methods, without names (iclc = class count)
| ig[?][h]  guess size of binary program (igh use human units instead of number of bytes)
| li                       list source of current function (like gdb's 'list' command)
| m /mnt                       mount fs at /mnt with autodetect fs and current offset
| mL[Lj]                       list filesystem plugins (Same as Lm), mLL shows only fs plugin names
| mg /foo [offset size]        get fs file/dir and dump to disk (support base64:)
| ms /mnt                      open filesystem shell at /mnt (or fs.cwd if not defined)
| mwf [diskfile] [r2filepath]  write contents of local diskfile into r2fs mounted path
| o*[*]                     list opened files in r2 commands, show r2 script to set flag for each fd
| o++ [file]                create and open file in read-write mode (see ot and omr)
| o: [len]                  open a malloc://[len] copying the bytes from current offset
| oo[?][+bcdnm]             reopen current file (see oo?) (reload in rw or debugger)
| op[npr] [fd]              select priorized file by fd (see ob), opn/opp/opr = next/previous/rotate
| ox fd fdx                 exchange the descs of fd and fdx and keep the mapping
| obio                   Load bin info from the io plugin forcing the use of
| obm([id])              merge current selected binfile into previous binfile (id-1)
| om [fd]                                  list all defined IO maps for a specific fd
| om-..                                    hud view of all the maps to select the one to remove
| om.                                      show map, that is mapped to current offset
| oma [fd]                                 create a map covering all VA for given fd
| omd from to @ paddr                      simplified om; takes current seek, fd and perms
| omf [mapid] rwx                          change flags/perms for current/given map
| omfg[+-]rwx                              change flags/perms for all maps (global)
| omm [fd]                                 create default map for given fd (omm `oq`)
| ompb [fd]                                prioritize maps of the bin associated with the binid
| ompd mapid                               deprioritize map with corresponding id
| omqq                                     list all maps addresses (See $MM to get the size)
| omt mapid                                toggle map backwards tying (same as omtb)
| onn [file] ([rwx])   open file without creating any map or parsing headers with rbin)
| onnu [file] ([rwx])  same as onn, but unique, will return previos fd if already opened
| pg[?][x y w h] [cmd]    create new visual gadget or print it (see pg? for details)
| py([-:file]) [expr]     print clipboard (yp) run python script (py:file) oneliner `py print(1)` or stdin slurp `py-`
Usage: p=[=bep?][qj] [N] ([len]) ([offset])   show entropy/printable chars/chars bars
| NOTE:            Pressing ENTER on empty command will repeat last print command in next page
| pde[q|qq|j] N    disassemble N instructions following execution flow from current PC
| pdo N            convert esil expressions of N instructions to C (pdO for bytes)
| pdr.             recursive disassemble across the function graph (from current basic block)
| pdR              recursive disassemble block size bytes without analyzing functions
| pdsf[sjq]        show function summary of strings, calls, variables, references..
| pd, [n] [query]  disassemble N instructions in a table (see dtd for debug traces)
| pf fmt                     show data using the given format-string. See 'pf??' and 'pf???'.
| pf* fmt_name|fmt           show data using (named) format as r2 flag create commands
| pf.fmt_name.field_name=33  set new value for the specified field in named format
| pfv.fmt_name[.field]       print value(s) only for named format. Useful for one-liners
| piE[?]           same as pie but taking an amount of bytes instead of instructions
| piu[q] [optype]  disassemble until instruction of given optype is found (See /atl)
| piE[?]           same as pie but taking an amount of bytes instead of instructions
| piu[q] [optype]  disassemble until instruction of given optype is found (See /atl)
| pp1      print incremental byte pattern (honor lower bits of cur address and bsize)
| psp    print zero-terminated string, taking length defined by the first byte (psp1)
| pspw   print zero-terminated 16bit wide string, taking length in bytes defined by the first byte (pspw1)
| pspw4  same as pspW, but using 4 byte dword (honoring cfg.bigendian) for length
| pspW   print zero-terminated 32bit wide string, taking length in bytes defined by the first byte (pspW1)
| pspW4  same as pspW, but using 4 byte dword (honoring cfg.bigendian) for length
Usage: pv[1248z][udj]  Print value(s) given size and endian (u for unsigned, d for signed decimal, j for json)
| pve [1234] ([bsize])  print value with any endian (reorder bytes with the 1234 order)
| PS* [name]        print the project script file (Like P*, but requires a project)
| sff             seek to the nearest flag backwards (uses fd and ignored the delta)
| so ([[-]N])     seek to N opcode(s) forward (or backward when N is negative), N=1 by default
| td <string>                   load types from string (quote the whole command: "td ...")
| tp[?]  <type> [addr|varname]  cast data at <address> to <type> and print it (XXX: type can contain spaces)
| tccl                        list cc signatures (return ccname (arg0, arg1, ..) err;)
| ted                   list all loaded enums in C output format without newlines
| tn[a] 0x3000                 stop function analysis if call/jmp to this address
| tp  <type> [addr|varname]  cast data at <address> to <type> and print it (XXX: type can contain spaces)
| tpx <type> <hexpairs>      show value for type with specified byte sequence (XXX: type can contain spaces)
| txf ([addr])  list all types used in the current or given function (same as tx.)
| wa[?] push ebp                write opcode, separated by ';' (use '"' around the command)
| waF f.asm                     assemble file and write bytes and show 'wx' op with hexpair bytes of assembled code
| wao[?] op                     modify opcode (change conditional of jump. nop, etc) (RArch.patch)
| wB[-]0xVALUE                  set or unset bits with given value (also wB-0x2000)
| we[?] [nNsxX] [arg]           extend write operations (insert instead of replace)
| wg[et] [http://host/file]     download file from http server and save it to disk (wget)
| wm f0ff                       set binary mask hexpair to be used as cyclic write mask
| ws[?] pstring                 write pascal string: 1 byte for length + N for the string
| wt[?][afs] [filename] [size]  write to file (from current seek, blocksize or sz bytes)
| ww foobar                     write wide string 'f\x00o\x00o\x00b\x00a\x00r\x00'
| wa+ nop          write a nop and seek after it (use 7wa+nop to write 7 consecutive nops)
| waF f.asm        assemble file and write bytes and show 'wx' op with hexpair bytes of assembled code
| waF* f.asm       assemble file and show 'wx' op with hexpair bytes of assembled code
| wc*              print write commands to replicate the patches in the current cache layer
| wcp [fd]         list all cached write-operations on p-layer for specified fd or current fd
| wcp* [fd]        list all cached write-operations on p-layer in radare commands
| wen <num>                        extend the underlying file inserting NUM null bytes at current offset
| weN <addr> <len>                 extend current file and insert bytes at address
| wex <hex_bytes>                  insert bytes at current offset by extending the file
Usage: wo[asmdxoArl24]   [hexpairs] @ addr[!bsize] write operation in current block
| woD [algo] [key] [IV]             decrypt current block with given algo and key
| woE [algo] [key] [IV]             encrypt current block with given algo and key
Usage: ws[124?] [string]  Pascal strings are not null terminated and store the length in binary at the beginning
Usage: wt[afs] [filename] [size]   Write current block or [size] bytes from offset to file
| wtf! [filename]        write to file from current address to eof (ignores given size)
| wv2 234                         write unsigned short (2 bytes) with this number
| wvp 934                         write 4 or 8 byte pointer, depending on asm.bits
| zb [n]           find n closest matching zignatures to function at current offset
| zfs /path/**.sig  recursively search for FLIRT files and scan them (see dir.depth)
| zfz filename      open FLIRT file and get sig commands (zfz flirt_file > zignatures.sig)
Usage: zc[n!] other_space   # Compare zignspaces, match >= threshold (e zign.diff.*)
| zcn other_space   compare current space with zigns with same name on other_space
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maliByatzes commented Oct 1, 2024

@trufae I would like to work on this, seems like a good first issue. Can you assign the it to me.

Also Im assuming you mean that the message should wrap around to a newline like below?

| @B:nth              temporary seek to nth instruction in current bb 
                      (negative numbers too)

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trufae commented Oct 1, 2024

@maliByatzes unfortunately github doesn't allow to assign issues to usres without commit access to the repository. but still, i dont think anyone else is gonna take it and if it does, it's a long task that will be hard to be conflictive if other contributors push changes there.

The objective of this task is the following:

  • Improve the wording of all the command help texts
  • Wrapping shouldn't be necessary, because command description should be concise and short
  • Review all command/help messages to find inconsistent, duplicated commands, use better words, etc..

The terminal already wraps the text if it's wider than the terminal, and we could modify RCoreHelp api to align the description properly. but imho it looks bad and doesn't help with grepping. so i prefer all help messages to fit in one line. This is also important when exporting all the command help to be fed to r2ai to teach language models how to use the tool. so keeping that format helps towards that.

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