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Tutorial: Creating a Vitis Vision Library HLS Project Via Tcl Command

This Tutorial will guide you through the installation of OpenCV, the Vitis Vision Library, and the corresponding compilation environment in a Linux setting. It will also provide you with a streamlined process using Tcl scripts to compile a standalone Vitis HLS project that calls the Sobel operator from the Vitis Vision Library. During this process, it is crucial to strictly adhere to details regarding the versions of the compilation tools, the setting of environment variables, and the dependencies on library paths.

Step0: Prerequisites

  1. OpenCV 4.4.0
  2. Vitis HLS 2023.2
  3. Vitis Vision Library 2023.2
  4. CMake 3.5+ (3.29.0-rc1 was tested)
  5. gcc 6.2.0 bundled with Vitis HLS, for compiling OpenCV

Step1: Installing CMake

Before installing OpenCV 4.4.0, ensure that your CMake version is greater than 3.5 and that it is added to your environment variables. You can check the CMake version included in your Linux by running cmake --version.

Here we will install the precompiled version of CMake:

  1. Download the CMake 3.5+ Linux x86_64 version from the Cmake website.
  2. Extract CMake to your desired directory:
    tar -zxvf <your cmake file name>.tar.gz
  3. Add CMake to your environment variables in .bashrc:
    export PATH=<your extract dir>/<your cmake file name>/bin:$PATH
  4. Update the environment:
    source .bashrc

Step2: Compiling and Installing OpenCV

Compilation and Installation Steps

  1. Create a directory named "source" and clone OpenCV 4.4.0 into it:

    git clone --branch 4.4.0 source
  2. Create a directory named "source_contrib" and clone OpenCV 4.4.0 contrib modules into it:

    git clone --branch 4.4.0 source_contrib
  3. cd to 'source', create a 'build' directory, and cd into it:

    cd source
    mkdir build
    cd build
  4. Set the library path:

    export LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/:$LIBRARY_PATH
  5. Set up the Vitis HLS tools via the script in the installation directory(replace directory paths with the appropriate locations):

    source < path-to-Vitis-installation-directory >/
  6. Run the following command (replace directory paths with the appropriate locations):

  7. Compile all:

    make all -j8
  8. Install:

    make install
  9. Set the following for your project/example design runs, or add them to .bashrc:

    export OPENCV_INCLUDE=<output path to installed opencv>/include/opencv4
    export OPENCV_LIB=<output path to installed opencv>/lib
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<output path to installed opencv>/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

Step3: Installing Vitis Vision Library

  1. Create a directory and clone Vitis Vision Library into it:

    git clone 
  2. Set the environment variable to the Vitis Vision Library

    set XF_PROJ_ROOT "<Your Vision Vision Library Path>/vision" 

Potential Issues and Solutions

On Ubuntu 20.04, using the default gcc 9.4.0 can result in the following error:

/opencv_compiled/lib/ undefined reference to `std::__cxx11::basic_stringstream<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::basic_stringstream()@GLIBCXX_3.4.26'

Therefore, we need to use gcc 6.2.0 provided by Vitis HLS for compiling OpenCV. This can be found in the directory like: /tools/Xilinx/Vitis_HLS/2023.2/tps/lnx64/gcc-6.2.0.


For more information, refer to Compiling and Installing OpenCV libraries for use with Vision library.

Step4: Creating a Standalone Vitis HLS Project - Example with Vision Library Sobel

Project Setup Steps

  1. In this section, we want to run the L1 sobel filter example design outside of the acceleration platform makefile. Follow the steps from Using Vitis Vision Libraries with OpenCV in Vitis HLS, and update the C++ version from -std=c++0x (C++11) to -std=c++14.

  2. Modify the Tcl script to update XF_PROJ_ROOT, OPENCV_INCLUDE, OPENCV_LIB to your corresponding directories:

    set XF_PROJ_ROOT "<Your Vision Vision Library Path>/vision" #Vitis Vision Libary include directory
    set OPENCV_INCLUDE "<Your OpenCV 4.4.0 Path>/include/opencv4" #OpenCV header file directory
    set OPENCV_LIB "<Your OpenCV 4.4.0 Path>/lib" #OpenCV compiled library directory
  3. Modify the Tcl script to update PROJ_DIR SOURCE_DIR to your corresponding directories, in this tutorial, it is <Your Vitis Vision Library Path>/L1/examples/sobelfilter

    set PROJ_DIR "$XF_PROJ_ROOT/L1/examples/sobelfilter" # Project root directory
    set PROJ_NAME "hls_example" # Project name in Vitis HLS
    set PROJ_TOP "sobel_accel" # Top level function name
    set SOLUTION_NAME "sol1" # Solution name in Vitis HLS
    set SOLUTION_PART "xck26-sfvc784-2LV-c" # Solution part in Vitis HLS, you can modify it if you want to use other boards. For example, use "xc7z020-clg484-1" for PYNQ-Z2 or use "xck26-sfvc784-2LV-c" for KV260E
    set SOLUTION_CLKP 5 # Clock period setting in Vitis HLS
  4. Modify the OpenCV C-Simulation / CoSimulation Library References

    set VISION_INC_FLAGS "-I$XF_PROJ_ROOT/L1/include -I$PROJ_DIR/config/ -std=c++14" # Vitis Vision Include path, and C++ 14 settings
    set OPENCV_INC_FLAGS "-I$OPENCV_INCLUDE" # OpenCV include directory references
    set OPENCV_LIB_FLAGS "-L $OPENCV_LIB" # OpenCV libary reference
  5. Modify the OpenCV library reference, use the appropriate style for your operating system.

    • Windows OpenCV Include Style:

      • In Windows, the library references must include the version number. This example uses a OpenCV 3.4.11 installation.
      set OPENCV_LIB_REF   "-lopencv_imgcodecs3411 -lopencv_imgproc3411 -lopencv_core3411 -lopencv_highgui3411 -lopencv_flann3411 -lopencv_features2d3411"
    • Linux OpenCV Include Style:

      set OPENCV_LIB_REF   "-lopencv_imgcodecs -lopencv_imgproc -lopencv_core -lopencv_highgui -lopencv_flann -lopencv_features2d"
  6. Create project.

    open_project -reset $PROJ_NAME
  7. Add C++ source and Testbench files with Vision and OpenCV includes

    add_files "${PROJ_DIR}/xf_sobel_accel.cpp" -cflags "${VISION_INC_FLAGS} -I${PROJ_DIR}/build" -csimflags "${VISION_INC_FLAGS} -I${PROJ_DIR}/build" #add the accelerator code and include directories for C-synthesis and C-simulation
    add_files -tb "${PROJ_DIR}/xf_sobel_tb.cpp" -cflags "${OPENCV_INC_FLAGS} ${VISION_INC_FLAGS} -I${PROJ_DIR}/build" -csimflags "${OPENCV_INC_FLAGS} ${VISION_INC_FLAGS} -I${PROJ_DIR}/build" # add the accelerator code and include directories for C-synthesis and C-simulation
  8. Create Project and Solution

    set_top $PROJ_TOP
    open_solution -reset $SOLUTION_NAME
    set_part $SOLUTION_PART
    create_clock -period $SOLUTION_CLKP
  9. Run Vitis HLS Stages. Note that CSim and CoSim require datafiles to be included.

    csim_design -ldflags "-L ${OPENCV_LIB} ${OPENCV_LIB_REF}" -argv "${XF_PROJ_ROOT}/data/128x128.png" # run C-Simulation, link the libraries, specifies input image file for the simulation
    csynth_design # run c-synthesis
    cosim_design -ldflags "-L ${OPENCV_LIB} ${OPENCV_LIB_REF}" -argv "${XF_PROJ_ROOT}/data/128x128.png"  # run Co-Simulation, link the libraries, specifies input image file for the simulation
    export_design -flow syn -rtl verilog # export the synthesized design, RTL output will be in Verilog
    #  export_design -flow impl -rtl verilog
    exit # exit Vitis HLS

Build the HLS Kernel Project

Vitis_HLS -f run_standalone.tcl

The Overall Tcl File

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Vitis Vision and OpenCV Library Path Information
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
set XF_PROJ_ROOT "<Your Vision Vision Library Path>/vision" #Vitis Vision Libary include directory
set OPENCV_INCLUDE "<Your OpenCV 4.4.0 Path>/include/opencv4" #OpenCV header file directory
set OPENCV_LIB "<Your OpenCV 4.4.0 Path>/lib" #OpenCV compiled library directory

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Vitis HLS Project Information
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
set PROJ_DIR "$XF_PROJ_ROOT/L1/examples/sobelfilter"
set PROJ_NAME "hls_example"
set PROJ_TOP "sobel_accel"
set SOLUTION_NAME "sol1"
set SOLUTION_PART "xck26-sfvc784-2LV-c"

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# OpenCV C Simulation / CoSimulation Library References
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
set VISION_INC_FLAGS "-I$XF_PROJ_ROOT/L1/include -I$PROJ_DIR/config/ -std=c++14"

# Windows OpenCV Include Style:
# set OPENCV_LIB_REF   "-lopencv_imgcodecs3411 -lopencv_imgproc3411 -lopencv_core3411 -lopencv_highgui3411 -lopencv_flann3411 -lopencv_features2d3411"

# Linux OpenCV Include Style:
set OPENCV_LIB_REF   "-lopencv_imgcodecs -lopencv_imgproc -lopencv_core -lopencv_highgui -lopencv_flann -lopencv_features2d"

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create Project
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
open_project -reset $PROJ_NAME

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Add C++ source and Testbench files with Vision and OpenCV includes
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
add_files "${PROJ_DIR}/xf_sobel_accel.cpp" -cflags "${VISION_INC_FLAGS} -I${PROJ_DIR}/build" -csimflags "${VISION_INC_FLAGS} -I${PROJ_DIR}/build"
add_files -tb "${PROJ_DIR}/xf_sobel_tb.cpp" -cflags "${OPENCV_INC_FLAGS} ${VISION_INC_FLAGS} -I${PROJ_DIR}/build" -csimflags "${OPENCV_INC_FLAGS} ${VISION_INC_FLAGS} -I${PROJ_DIR}/build"

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create Project and Solution
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
set_top $PROJ_TOP
open_solution -reset $SOLUTION_NAME
create_clock -period $SOLUTION_CLKP

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Run Vitis HLS Stages
# Note: CSim and CoSim require datafiles to be included 
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
csim_design -ldflags "-L ${OPENCV_LIB} ${OPENCV_LIB_REF}" -argv "${XF_PROJ_ROOT}/data/128x128.png"
cosim_design -ldflags "-L ${OPENCV_LIB} ${OPENCV_LIB_REF}" -argv "${XF_PROJ_ROOT}/data/128x128.png"
export_design -flow syn -rtl verilog
#  export_design -flow impl -rtl verilog


For detailed steps, visit the Using Vitis Vision Libraries with OpenCV in Vitis HLS.