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1.Basics Declaring variables (var, let, const ) Data types (number, string, boolean, null, undefined, symbol) Operators (arithmetic, comparison, logical )

2.Conditional Statements

if, else switch, case

3.Iterations/Loop for while break, continue

  1. Functions

Arrow Functions Default parameters Scope and closures arguments object

5.Objects and Arrays Object Literal: { key: value } Array Literal: [element1, element2, ...] Object Methods and Properties Array Methods: push), pop(), shift(), unshift splice), slice), forEach), map(), filter (

6.Classes and Prototypes Class Declaration Constructor Functions L Prototypal Inheritance

7.Event Handling Event Listeners Event Object

8.DOM Manipulation Selecting DOM Elements Modifying Element Properties Creating and Appending Elements

9.Error Handling try, catch, finally throw

10.Asynchronous JavaScript Callback Functions Promises async/await syntax

  1. Modules import and export Statements (ES6 Modules) L CommonJS Modules (require, module.exports

12.Functional Programming Higher-Order Functions map(), reduce), filter () Pure Functions and Immutability

13.Promises and Asynchronous Patterns Promise Chaining

14 Template Literals Destructuring Assignment Rest and Spread Operators Arrow Functions Classes and Inheritance Default Parameters Error Handling with Promises

15.Web APIs localStorage and sessionStorage window, history, location, navigator objects 6,903 Fetch API

  1. Built-in Objects JSON (Methods: JSON.parse, JSON.stringify58 Map, Set

17.Client Side Frameworks/Libs 2,638 React, Vue.js, Angular, Next.js ..


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