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Getting Started

RedstoneFuture edited this page Aug 16, 2024 · 22 revisions

With the first installation, all files are generated and fully loaded.

1. Lobby Check

The arena files with the configuration and the template world area located in /MissileWars/arenas/. These files are fine so far and do not need to be adjusted for now.

The lobby configuration located in /MissileWars/lobbies/. In the default lobby (lobby0.yml) you only have to check if the world setting is pointing to a world it also exists on your server, at the beginning. Because the lobby - unlike the arena - is not created temporarily by the plugin. So, by default, you need a world "world" or you have to change the lobby-world setting here.

name: "lobby0"
display_name: "&eDefault game"
auto_load: true
world: "world"

2. Checking your Updater-Block Setting

In the main configuration file config.yml located in /MissileWars/ you see the temp_block setting-section for the Updater‐Block. If you want to use the default schematic files of this plugin located in the /MissileWars/missiles/ folder, you should apply the following settings, as the Updater-Block is already included in the schematics files.

Recommended Config for WorldEdit

Tip: If you use WorldEdit, you can also completely deactivate the temporary Updater-Block after adjusting the schematic files. You can find the instructions here.

  enable: true
  material: NOTE_BLOCK
  remove_after_ticks: 4
  radius: 8

Recommended Config for FastAsyncWorldEdit ("FAWE")

  enable: true
  material: NOTE_BLOCK
  remove_after_ticks: 0
  radius: 8

3. Generate a Game Sign

Find any place on your server and place a sign. Any sign materials can be used (Material-Tag: #all_signs).

The first line of the tag contains the keyword [missilewars] or [mw] (case-insensitive). The second line contains the name of the lobby: lobby0 (case-sensitive).



Note: "Hanging Signs" are small and therefore offer less space for the text. When using this signs, shorten the sign lines and the game_state messages in the messages.yml and the name in the arena configuration, that the generated texts are not sometimes cut off.

(The positions of the generated MissileWars signs are saved in the /MissileWars/data/signs.json file.)

4. Prevent "Moved too quickly" messages

By default, SpigotMC spams a warning message " moved too quickly!" in the console during the game. To prevent this, it's recommended to increase in the spigot.yml the moved-wrongly-threshold value from 0.0625 (= default) to 1.0625 or similar.

Info about SpigotMC configuration:

5. Game-Join

Finished! Now you and your test partner can right-click on the sign to go to the lobby. In the lobby, you can wait util the waiting time is done or as an Admin you can use the /mw start command.

You will be teleported to the arena and can play.