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Olga Naumenko edited this page May 17, 2023 · 1 revision

Troubleshooting the build

Read -i invalid option

You can experience this on Mac OS:

read: -i: invalid option

It is because Mac OS has too old bash version. Upgrade bash version and set it to default:

brew install bash
chsh -s /usr/local/bin/bash

Problem with gRPC

If you experience this problem:

--grpc_out: protoc-gen-grpc: Plugin failed with status code 1.
/bin/grpc_cpp_plugin: program not found or is not executable
ninja: error: 'protobuf/testgen.grpc.pb.h', needed by 'CMakeFiles/utbot.dir/main.cpp.o', missing and no known rule to make it

Copy the program to /bin:

cp /utbot_distr/install/bin/grpc_cpp_plugin /bin/

Error while mounting empty volume

If this error happens on Mac OS:

docker: Error response from daemon: error while mounting volume '': VolumeDriver.Mount: exit status 1%!(EXTRA []interface {}=[]).

Remove the following line in

 -v $MOUNT_LOCAL_NAME:/home/utbot/mnt \

Failed to load project in CLion

If error like this happens then you try load Cmake in CLion

CMake File API: C:\Users\user\work\UTBotCpp\server\cmake-build-debug-remote-host-ml: target-gmock-Debug-0b6fa789e179f468efb4.json: no CMakeLists.txt file at '\utbot_distr\gtest\googlemock\CMakeLists.txt'

check solution in issue

Error when run plugin in debugger

If you experience this error:

command npm run watch terminated with exit code 1

Then there is compilation error and if it is not fixed the previous version of the code will run (debugger won't work correctly)

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