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Red Hat Developers Site

Powering the Red Hat Developers site.

This document provides a developer with the instructions needed to setup and use the development environment. It is ordered chronologically. It starts by describing how to do first time setup of the environment and then moves onto instructions for day-to-day development tasks, such as testing and changing of code. Towards the end some miscellaneous topics are covered.

First time Environment Setup

Docker is recommended in development, though it isn't fully necessary. If you are not using docker, there will be no support. This works best on Linux, but we do have Mac users that are developing successfully in this environment. The following sections cover the steps you need to do in order to setup your environment and get the site running for the first time.

There are some Common Issues you may encounter, check them out before seeking help.


You should be running a bash shell (Linux or Mac) and you will require: git and curl.

Brew (Mac only)

If you are on a mac then brew is required to install some dependant packages. Brew is like apt-get or yum for mac. Follow their instructions and make sure that brew doctor completes without error.


For Linux, follow these instructions to install the latest docker for your system [here] (

The native 'Docker for Mac' is now recommended for those working on macOS. If you are using Docker for Mac, allocate 4GB of RAM to Docker in the Docker for Mac Preferences > Advanced. Be sure to Apply & Restart after making this change. Also, you will need to add the following entry to your /etc/hosts file: docker

to make the docker host available.

No one has tried development on Windows, so it is currently not known what needs to be done.

The scripts assume you can run the docker command WITHOUT sudo.

NOTE: We are using features that require you to have at least docker 1.10 and docker-compose 1.6 installed.

Docker Compose

Mac: Docker compose will have been installed as part of the Docker for Mac install. Linux: Follow the instructions to install the latest docker-compose [here] (

Register at DockerHub

The project uses private Docker repositories for certain images and to access these you will need to register at DockerHub. Once you have registered, give your username to a member of the project team who can grant you access privileges on the private repositories for the project

Additionally you need to ensure that the Docker daemon on your local machine is authenticated with your new DockerHub account. To do this run the following:

docker login --username $DOCKER_HUB_USERNAME --password $DOCKER_HUB_PASSWORD

For the above, replace $DOCKER_HUB_USERNAME and $DOCKER_HUB_PASSWORD with your account details.

Sanity test

At this point you must be able to run the following commands without error:

  docker run hello-world
  docker-compose version

If you have trouble running either of these commands please refer back to docker installation instructions. At this point no project specific steps have been taken, so docker is the reference point for fixing issues. If there is anything missing in this guide please submit a PR.

Install and Setup

There are some requirements for running Drupal locally: php, and some extensions, composer, and optionally mysql/mariadb.


Please install the full mysql from Oracle so you can get access to the commandline tools.

  brew install php70 php70-xdebug composer

All the required dependencies should be able to be installed using your package manager (yum, dnf, apt-get, etc). On a Fedora/CentOS machine you will need the following dependencies:


Project checkout

Fork the project, then clone your fork and add the upstream repository (Please ensure you have current version of git installed).

  git clone [email protected]:YOUR_USER_NAME/
  git remote add -f upstream [email protected]:redhat-developer/

Node.js install

NOTE: Node.js and npm both need to be installed on the host machine, not in the docker container.

  1. Please follow for downloads and install of node and npm. Everything should work on nodejs versions > 0.10

  2. Execute the following command to get the node environment setup:

    npm install

  3. Run $(npm bin)/gulp in the root of the project to generate the JS and CSS files.

You will need to ask a co-worker for the Fort Awesome npm config setting. You will enter an npm config set command so that this config value is available during the setup script.

Start Drupal

Run the following script:

  bash ./

This will fetch the database backup for Drupal, run composer and start Drupal. Assuming there were no errors you should be able to access Drupal at

Running Drupal after the initial setup

After the initial setup, once you have terminated the PHP built-in server and when you need to run the Drupal server again, you can do so by running drush runserver, or drush rs for short. To do so, you will need to be in the follow directory:


and then you can run:

../../vendor/bin/drush rs

Drupal Page Layout Changes (fast)

If you are just making a change to the layout file of a Drupal page, follow these steps:

  1. Make your change(s) to the layout file(s) (*.twig files).
  2. Direct your web browser at a page affected by the change.
  3. Observe that the change has been made.

JavaScript and CSS Changes (fast)

If you need to make a change to a JavaScript or CSS file, you just need to re-run Gulp (takes ~2secs) and then observe your change. To do this:

  1. Make your required changes.
  2. Run gulp in the root of the project.
  3. Direct your web browser at a page affected by the change.
  4. Observe that the change has been made.

Older Setup, required to run unit tests locally

The following is the older development setup. You'll need to follow it for running Unit Tests locally, testing a site export, or working on Searchisko.

Basic Ruby install

In this project docker and docker-compose are managed through the ruby script found at _docker/control.rb. In order to run this you will require ruby 2.1 or greater. The following instructions install ruby via 'rbenv'. You can use other methods, but your mileage may vary and it may make it harder for us to support you. If you already have RVM installed you'll need to remove it to use rbenv.

Pre-requisites for Ruby installation


  brew install openssl libyaml libffi


  apt-get install autoconf bison build-essential libssl-dev libyaml-dev libreadline6-dev zlib1g-dev libncurses5-dev libffi-dev libgdbm3 libgdbm-dev


  yum install -y gcc openssl-devel bzip2 libyaml-devel libffi-devel readline-devel zlib-devel gdbm-devel ncurses-devel

Installation of rbenv


  git clone ~/.rbenv
  echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
  echo 'eval "$(rbenv init -)"' >> ~/.bash_profile
  source ~/.bash_profile


  git clone ~/.rbenv
  echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
  echo 'eval "$(rbenv init -)"' >> ~/.bashrc
  source ~/.bashrc

Installation of rbenv-build

  git clone ~/.rbenv/plugins/ruby-build

Install and Setup ruby

  rbenv install 2.1.2
  rbenv global 2.1.2
  gem update --system
  gem install bundler
  rbenv rehash

Secrets File Access

In order to build the site you must request access to the secrets file (_config/secrets.yaml.gpg). This is needed so that you can access the various API keys needed to call services used in the site build. The secrets file is checked into git (so always contains an up-to-date version of all keys, passwords and usernames). The file is encrypted using GPG.

To gain access to the secrets file:


  1. Install GPGSuite from here
  2. Create a new key-pair in GPGSuite.
  3. Upload the public-key to the key server so that people can access it.
  4. Notify someone on the Red Hat Developers Engineering team that you want your key adding to the vault. Be sure to let them know the email address you associated with the key.
  5. Wait for a Pull Request to be created (by the engineering team) for the secrets file update.
  6. Review the secrets file update by copying the secrets.yaml.gpg file from the Pull Request into the _config/secrets.yaml.gpg location of your code checkout.
  7. Proceed with the following instructions and comment on the Pull Request when you have confirmed that you can build the site, and thus the secret file update was successful.

Linux and Windows:

Please contact Paul Robinson. There are people who have done this, I just don't have the documentation yet.

Set up

Request access to the production data dumps first. This allows you to have a production-like environment in development. To request access, send the Red Hat Developers Engineering team your GitHub ID and request access to the searchisko-docker repo in the redhat-developer organization. Once you have access:

Download the MySQL data dump and copy to _docker/mysql/searchisko_mysql_data.tar.gz.

Download the ElasticSearch data dump and copy to _docker/searchisko/searchisko_es_data.tar.gz.

Add the host docker to your /etc/hosts file. If you are building on Linux, set the IP address to If you are on a Mac and thus using Docker-machine, you will need to set the IP address to that of your Boot2Docker image. You can discover this IP address by running docker-machine ip default

Run bundle install from within the _docker directory to download the necessary ruby gems.

Running the Unit Tests

Run the unit tests (also available using guard locally).

  bundle exec ./control.rb -e drupal-dev -t

To run the frontend unit-tests

In the root of the project:

  npm test

Inside docker (preferred as this is the same as PR environment). In the root of the project directory execute the following command:

  ruby _tests/run_tests.rb --unit --use-docker          

Running the Site Export

The production site is actually a static export of the content offered by the (internally hosted) Drupal production server.

An export process is executed in order to create the static version of the site.

These section describes how to run this from your development environment.

bundle exec ./control.rb -e drupal-dev --export

Once the export process has completed, you will be able to access the static HTML version of the site at http://docker:9000 on your machine.

To run the build related unit-tests

In the root of the project.

  bundle exec rake test

Drupal Configuration Changes

The easiest way to do this is to make the necessary changes in the UI of Drupal, then export them to the sync directory.

Exporting can be done from within the UI, then manually copying the contents of the zip file into the sync directory, or it can be done via drush.

To use drush you will need to be in the web directory

cd web
../vendor/bin/drush config-export

Drupal Content Creation

Who are these instructions intended for?

If you are a content creator or organizer, these Drupal content types will allow you to have a centralized location for managing:

  • Books
  • Events
  • Videos
  • Connectors

How does this make my life easier?

Since content is now managed directly from Drupal, it can easily be manipulated by content creators/owners. Once changes have been implemented, they will soon be reflected on their respective RHD page. Further, we have utilized Drupal's REST export services to ensure that the impact on Searchisko (DCP) is minimal.

How do I create a new Book?

For a full demonstration, please refer to the below video:
Steps to add a new Book.
  1. Login to RHD's Drupal Production Environment.

  2. Click on Content>Add Content>Books

  3. Fill in the required fields.

    NOTE: New content will display with no styling. This is by design. Since RHD relies on DCP for much of its content, DCP rivers will retrieve this newly created item and changes to RHD will be reflected within 24 hours.

How do I create a new Connector?

For a full demonstration, please refer to the below video:
Steps to add a new Connector.
  1. Login to RHD's Drupal Production Environment.

  2. Click on Content>Add Content>Connectors

  3. Fill in the required fields.

    NOTE: New content will display with no styling. This is by design. Since RHD relies on DCP for much of its content, DCP rivers will retrieve this newly created item and changes to RHD will be reflected within 24 hours.

How do I create a new Video?

For a full demonstration, please refer to the below video:
Steps to add a new Video.
  1. Login to RHD's Drupal Production Environment.

  2. Click on Content>Add Content>Video Resource

  3. Fill in the required fields.

    NOTE: New content will display with no styling. This is by design. Since RHD relies on DCP for much of its content, DCP rivers will retrieve this newly created item and changes to RHD will be reflected within 24 hours.

How do I add a new Event?

For a full demonstration, please refer to the below video:
Steps to add a new Event.
  1. Login to RHD's Drupal Production Environment.

  2. Click on Content>Add Content>Events

  3. Fill in the required fields.

    NOTE: New content will display with no styling. This is by design. Since RHD relies on DCP for much of its content, DCP rivers will retrieve this newly created item and changes to RHD will be reflected within 24 hours.

What if I am having difficulty adding new content or the content type doesn't represent what I'd expect?

You can contact Jason Porter, Adela Arreola, Luke Dary or Dan Coughlin (all available in HipChat or by email) with any issues or ideas for improvement.

Drupal Module Development

All module development must happen in the _docker/drupal/drupal-filesystem/web/modules/custom/<module name> directory. Work is typically done using PhpStorm or text editor. If you are modifying the yaml files of an existing module you may need to restart the Drupal container for everything to be correctly picked up and applied. You could also attempt to use the drush updatedb command, though it may not pick up everything.

New modules must have at least the basics in place and the drupal_install_checker.rb file updated to install the module on container build.

Updating the Staging Integration Branch hosts a build of the site that uses staging instances of Download Manager and KeyCloak. The purpose of this environment is to test new versions of the back-end services before they go into production.

Sometimes, this build is also used for long-term site changes that need to be tested by the wider team, prior to going live into production. Although most of the time, it just has the master code deployed to it.

When a staging branch is used, the simplest way to update the branch, is by raising a PR from 'master' onto the new long running branch. This can simply be merged, if there are no merge conflicts.

If merge conflicts exist, you will need to do the following steps to fix the conflicts:

  1. If you don't have this branch already fetched on your laptop, run:

     git fetch upstream
     git checkout -b <branch name> upstream/<branch name>
  2. Now merge the master branch:

     git merge upstream/master
  3. Fix any merge conflicts

  4. Push the branch to your fork.

     git push <your fork alias> <branch name>
  5. Raise a PR from your branch onto the long running branch in upstream. Note that the PR tests will fail, as they don't expect a PR to be raised on a branch other than 'master'.

Common issues

This area documents fixes to common issues:

'undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass'

If running in docker you may get the error:

Internal Server Error

undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass

This is a current issue with the system []. If you get this error then please stop and then remove the docker containers. So, for each container id run

docker kill ALL_THE_IDs
docker rm ALL_THE_IDs

If you work out a better fix, then please update.

'Illegal instruction: 4'

There is an issue on older macs where docker compose will not run. The only way around this is to install docker-compose via pip (Python's package manager). This can be done as follows:

sudo easy_install pip
sudo pip install docker-compose

'No address for docker'

If you get an error with the message 'no address for docker (Resolv::ResolvError)' you need to ensure that the host 'docker' is added as an alias to localhost in your /etc/hosts file. Instructions for this are available in the Docker section of this document.

"Too many open files"

This can be caused by running out of file descriptors. Currently only seen on Macs. See the following for how to fix:

"An error occurred: getaddrinfo: nodename nor servname provided, or not known"

Same fix as "Too many open files"

"Unable to decrypt vault (GPGME::Error::BadPassphrase)"

If using GNU PGP, sometimes you're not presented with a popup asking for the passphrase. This will result in the following error being presented: Unable to decrypt vault (GPGME::Error::BadPassphrase). To fix, use the instructions in the following url:

"SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server certificate B: certificate verify failed"

If you get this error, you may be seeing it because your SSL cert file is out of date. You can fix this by:

  1. Downloading
  2. Setting the environment variable SSL_CERT_FILE to the /path/to/file/cacert.pem

Alternatively, see the following for how to fix:


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  • HTML 46.5%
  • JavaScript 23.0%
  • CSS 18.3%
  • Ruby 5.7%
  • PHP 3.4%
  • TypeScript 2.8%
  • Other 0.3%