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Welcome to Ambients!


The Ambients Protocol community repo

The Ambients Protocol is a new protocol for peer-to-peer programs and data.

This GitHub organization is a place to bring together all of the Ambients repositories, and to work together on making Ambients better. This repo is a launch point for meta-conversations about the community.

Watch this repository to keep abreast of developments in the community, such as spaces for talking to others (for now, use the Gitter, in the badge above), announcements, and so on.


Want to start working with Ambients? Awesome! Here are instructions to get you started. They are not perfect yet. Please let us know what feels wrong or incomplete.

The Ambients Protocol is an Open Source project and we welcome contributions of all sorts. There are many ways to help, from reporting issues, contributing code, and helping us improve our community.

Community Guidelines

We want to keep the Ambients community awesome, growing and collaborative. We need your help to keep it that way. To help with this we've come up with some general guidelines for the community as a whole:

  • Be nice: Be courteous, respectful and polite to fellow community members: no regional, racial, gender, or other abuse will be tolerated. We like nice people way better than mean ones!

  • Encourage diversity and participation: Make everyone in our community feel welcome, regardless of their background and the extent of their contributions, and do everything possible to encourage participation in our community.

  • Keep it legal: Basically, don't get anybody in trouble. Share only content that you own, do not share private or sensitive information, and don't break laws.

  • Stay on topic: Make sure that you are posting to the correct channel and avoid off-topic discussions. Remember when you update an issue or respond to an email you are potentially sending to a large number of people. Please consider this before you update. Also remember that nobody likes spam.

There is also a more extensive Code of conduct which we follow.


In cases where community members transgress against the values above or in the Code, members of the Ambients Community Moderation team will use a three-strike warning system, where the aggressor will be warned twice before they are permanently excluded from Ambients community spaces. This code applies to Gitter, IRC, and GitHub, and any other future space that the Ambients community uses for communication. For interactions between Ambients community members outside of this space, the code also applies if the interactions are reported and deemed to be interfering with community members safely working on Ambients together. Moderation conversations, where more serious than simple warnings, will occur in private repositories or by email to ensure anonymity for reporters, and to ensure the safety of the moderators. To report an instance, please see the emails in the Code of Conduct.

Reporting Issues

If you find bugs, mistakes, inconsistencies in the Ambients specs, code or documents, please let us know by filing an issue at the appropriate issue tracker. No issue is too small.

Protocol Design

When considering protocol design proposals, we are looking for:

  • A description of the problem this design proposal solves
  • Discussion of the tradeoffs involved
  • Review of other existing solutions
  • Links to relevant literature (RFCs, papers, etc)
  • Discussion of the proposed solution

Please note that protocol design is hard, and meticulous work. You may need to review existing literature and think through generalized use cases.

Implementation Design

When considering design proposals for implementations, we are looking for:

  • A description of the problem this design proposal solves
  • Discussion of the tradeoffs involved
  • Discussion of the proposed solution


This community moves very fast, and documentation swiftly gets out of date. If you would like to add a translation, please open an issue and ask in a given repository before filing a pull request, so that we do not waste efforts.

If anyone has any issues understanding the English documentation, please let us know! If you would like to do so privately, please email @RichardLitt. We are very sensitive to language issues, and do not want to turn anyone away from hacking because of their language.

Email List

We do not have an email listserv; all of our conversation is either here on GitHub or on Gitter.

Helping in other ways

Haja Networks occasionally is able to hire developers for part time or full time positions, to work on Ambients. If you are interested, check our hiring status at Haja's website. If you'd like to help in other ways, send an email to [email protected].

Becoming a maintainer

If you want to help us with triaging issues, merging PRs, writing code, and maintaining repositories, we would be overjoyed. Maintenance is hard work, and all of the help that we can get from contributors is appreciated. Becoming a maintainer is currently an informal process - stick around for a while, help out where you can, and show the core team that you're interested in more than just having the Ambients logo on your GitHub profile. Once you think you're ready, reach out to @RichardLitt on Gitter or by his linked email: he'll talk to to team, and we'll let you know what we think at that stage.

Occasionally, we'll give people access rights straight out of the gate because they have proved themselves before, or because they're the most logical choice for maintainership for certain repositories. For instance, if you wrote a Groovy implementation of the Ambients protocol, and you want to move it into the @ambientsprotocol organization, you'll retain your maintainer rights for that repository.

If you ever feel that someone should not have maintainer rights, send an email to the community team. Let's talk about it together.

Code of Conduct

Please read the Code of Conduct. It applies for all repositories in this organization.


This repository is only for documents. All of these are licensed under the CC-BY-SA 3.0 license © 2019 Haja Networks Oy. Any code is under a MIT © 2019 Haja Networks Oy.


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