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Fiji scripts for bioimage analysis of light-sheet microscopy data.

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Helper scripts for analysis of light-sheet microscopy images of Tribolium castaneum development

A collection of scripts for Fiji and Python to help in image processing of light-sheet microscopy images of Tribolium development written at AK Stelzer group at Goethe University Frankfurt.

A Jython script for Fiji that automates priliminary "B branch" of image processing after microscope aquisition. "B branch" are steps from raw TIFF images coming from the microscope, organising, cropping, creating max projections and up to making montages of different views for user assessment. The script is designed to process several datasets at a time.


Download the script as a file (as shown here) or just copy its contents into Fiji script editor (make sure to chose Jython scripting mode).

Make sure you have Fiji version at least >=2.3.0/1.53q (this is the oldest the script was tested to be working for). In Fiji open the file A sript editor will open, next click on Run.


The script requires a folder with the structure as show below and a JSON file with metadata for the datasets to be processed. Input folder strucutre:

├── DS0001_name
│   └── (P0)-ZStacks-Raw
│   │   ├── <Dataset specific name>TM13155919SPC000TL0000ANG000FRQ000PH00CM0CHN00.tif
│   │   ├── <Dataset specific name>TM13155919SPC000TL0001ANG000FRQ000PH00CM0CHN00.tif
│   │   ├── <Dataset specific name>TM13155919SPC001TL0000ANG000FRQ000PH00CM0CHN00.tif
│   │   ├── <Dataset specific name>TM13155919SPC001TL0001ANG000FRQ000PH00CM0CHN00.tif
|   |   ...
├── DS0002_another_name
│   └── (P0)-ZStacks-Raw
└── DS0003_another_name
    └── (P0)-ZStacks-Raw

Tiff files in the (P0)-ZStacks-Raw are separate for each timepoint and view. Speciments and views of each specimen are encoded in "SPCXXXX" part of the file name, hence for correspondace between which SPC values are which views for which sample you need to specify metadata in the JSON (see below). Timepoints are specified in "TLXXXX" part of the file name. The script currently is written for stacks with dimensions 1392x1040x179 and will probably not work with significatly different ones.

An example JSON metadata file can be found in the repository: metadata_TEMPLATE.json For each folder with datasets you need to write such JSON file, where:

  • "ID" - is the dataset ID, that should be at the beginning of the folder name (DSXXXX_...)
  • "specimens_for_directions_1234" - is a list with correspondance of specimen numbers to directions of imaging the embryo. Direction is the index of the element in the list.
  • "head_direction" - is the direction that the Tribolium embryo is looking at.
  • "use_manual_bounding_box" - is wheather to use a manually specified box around an embryo for cropping the images
  • "planes_to_keep_per_direction" - is a list where indexes are directions for which you specify manually which planes will be kept in the image. Currently you have to specify which planes to keep for all directions if you are using this parameter. Consider using a text editor such as VSCode that supports good syntax hilighting for JSON files as well as syntax error checking.

If you have already organised files in (P0)-ZStacks-Raw folder from the previous run, you can you this as well. Then your files in (P0)-ZStacks-Raw folder should look like it is shown in the outputs.

Optional manual crop box input: you can put a file with the name manual_crop_box.roi that will contain a ROI object saved from Fiji RoiManager that specifies a crop box around an embryo that will be used for this direction if the parameter "use_manual_bounding_box" is set to TRUE in the JSON file. There is a small script to help you generate this manual crop box:


The script will generate the following folder structure for each dataset:

├── (B1)-Metadata
│   └── CH0001
│       ├── DR0001
│       │   ├── cropped_max_time_proj.tif
│       │   ├── crop_template.roi
│       │   ├── DatasetNamePrefix-DS0001TP(TM)DR0001CH0001PL(ZM).tif
│       │   └── Y_projected_raw_stack_for_assessment_of_plane_selection.tif
|       ...
├── (B2)-ZStacks
│   └── CH0001
│       ├── DR0001
│       │   ├── DatasetNamePrefix-DS0001TP0001DR0001CH0001PL(ZS).tif
│       │   ├── DatasetNamePrefix-DS0001TP0002DR0001CH0001PL(ZS).tif
|           ...
├── (B3)-TStacks-ZM
│   └── CH0001
│       ├── DR0001
│       │   └── DatasetNamePrefix-DS0001TP(TS)DR0001CH0001PL(ZN).tif
|       ...
├── (B4)-TStacks-ZN
│   └── CH0001
│       ├── DR0001
│       │   └── DatasetNamePrefix-DS0001TP(TS)DR0001CH0001PL(ZH).tif
|       ...
├── (B5)-TStacks-ZN-Montage
│   ├── DatasetNamePrefix-DS0001TP(TS)DR(AX)CH0001PL(ZM).tif
|   ├── DatasetNamePrefix-DS0001TP(TS)DR(AX)CH0001PL(ZH).tif
│   └── DatasetNamePrefix-DS0001TP(TS)DR(AY)CH0001PL(ZH).tif
|       ...
├── (P0)-ZStacks-Raw
|    └── CH0001
|        ├── DR0001
|        │   ├── DatasetNamePrefix-DS0001TP0001DR0001CH0001PL(ZS).tif
|        │   ├── DatasetNamePrefix-DS0001TP0002DR0001CH0001PL(ZS).tif
|            ...
  • (B1)-Metadata folder contains files used during cropping of the image in X,Y and Z directions.
    • DatasetNamePrefix-DS0001TP(TM)DR0001CH0001PL(ZM).tif maximum projection over Z and time dimensions simultaniously. This file is generated to get all embryo movements in one image and define a crop box around them.
    • cropped_max_time_proj.tif contains cropped maximum time projection. Used for assessment how well the script is cropping the images for this direction.
    • crop_template.roi ROI object from Fiji RoiManager defining the bounding box for cropping the embryo.
    • Y_projected_raw_stack_for_asessment_of_plane_selection.tif - Y projection of the stack to assess how well the script has cropped in Z dimension.
  • (B2)-ZStacks folder contains cropped raw Z-stacks with each timepoint as a separate file.
  • (B3)-TStacks-ZM folder contains maximum Z-projections of each timepoint aggregated in a stack
  • (B4)-TStacks-ZN the same as (B3)-TStacks-ZM but with adjusted image histogram for better viewing. Files ending with "PL(ZA)" are adjusted by thresholding the histogram and with "PL(ZH)" adjusted with histograms matched between all planes and thresholded.
  • (B5)-TStacks-ZN-Montage folder contains montages adjusted and unadjusted Z-projections with directions combined in one image. Files ending with "PL(ZM)" are unadjusted, with "PL(ZA)" adjusted by thresholding the histogram and with "PL(ZH)" adjusted with histograms matched between all planes and thresholded.
  • B_BRANCH_FINISHED Is generated when the script has finished processing this dataset. During the processing of the current dataset there will be a B_BRANCH_ACTIVE file, or if the script skipped this dataset with an error - a B_BRANCH_ERRORED file. If the script has crashed, you will see a B_BRANCH_ACTIVE file presist at the dataset that was being processed when the script has crashed.

In the directory with all datasets there will be a log file such as 2022-Mar-10-201337-b_branch.log.


After you click Run in a script editor in Fiji a window will appear.

  • You have to specify a directory with dataset folders and a JSON file with metadata for them (See Inputs section).
  • You can specify a dataset name prefix that will be added to the beginning of all image file names.
  • You have an option to copmress the images (IT IS SLOW! currently implemented as BioFormats zlib compression, which is single threaded and thus slow).
  • You have an option to use previously cropped stacks if you had run the script on this dataset already. This will continue the script execution from the second to last generated cropped Z-stack.
  • You can launch several scripts with the same JSON file on the same folder with datasets and they will run in parallel.

You can see output and potential errors in the output window of the script editor or in the log file in the direcotory with all datasets folders (see Outputs)

Manual crop box creation

The script bounding box identification struggles with datasets where embryo flourescence is very low or only on one side. In these cases you need to create a manual crop box for each direction. You can do this as follows:

  • Download script the same way you did
  • Open it in Fiji script editor
  • Open maximum time and Z-projeciton file DatasetNamePrefix-DS0001TP(TM)DR0001CH0001PL(ZM).tif from the (B1)-Metadata folder.
  • Create a bounding box using rotated rectangle tool in Fiji (can be selected by right clicking on a regular rectangle icon)
  • You can run the script to refine your rotated rectangle selection by rotating your bounding rectangle and assess how well the cropping worked. The script will rotate your bounding box by specified rotation angle and crop the selection for assessment
  • The angle of rotation for bounding box is specified in a window that appears when you run script. The rotation of the bounding box persists after the script has been run!
  • When you are satisfied with the bounding rectangle, you need to save it as a ROI object in a file. To do this:
  • Open ROI Manager in Fiji (you can type "roi manager" in Fiji search box)
    • Click Add
    • Select the newly added item in the ROI Manager
    • Go to More... and then click Save...
    • Save the ROI object as a file manual_crop_box.roi in the (B1)-Metadata folder
  • Repeat this for all directions

To use the manual crop boxes that you've created you need to set "use_manual_bounding_box" parameter to TRUE in the metadata JSON file as described in section Inputs


Fiji scripts for bioimage analysis of light-sheet microscopy data.






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