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Cloudera on cloud Quickstart Using Terraform

This repository provides Terraform resources to quickly deploy Cloudera on Cloud and associated pre-requisite Cloud Service Provider (CSP) resources. It uses the CDP Terraform Modules to do this.

A summary requirements, configuration and execution steps to use this repository is given below.

⚠️ Prerequisites

To use the module provided here, you will need:

  • An AWS, Azure, or GCP Cloud account;
  • A Cloudera on cloud account (you can sign up for a 60-day free pilot );
  • A recent version of Terraform software (version 0.13 or higher).

🔧 Configure Local Prerequisites


See the Additional Authentication & Configuration Notes section for further details on authentication with the Cloud Providers.

📖 Quickstart Guide


Make sure your Cloudera and you Cloud provider credentials are properly configured before proceeding

1. Clone the Repository

git clone
cd cdp-tf-quickstarts

2. Configure Variables

Change to required cloud provider directory and create a terraform.tfvars file with variable configuration for your deployment.

Reference the terraform.tfvars.template in each cloud provider directory and the sample contents with indicators of values to change shown below.

# Change into cloud provider directory, e.g. for aws
cd aws

cp terraform.tfvars.template terraform.tfvars

vi terraform.tfvars
Expand for AWS configuration file
# ------- Global settings -------
env_prefix = "<ENTER_VALUE>" # Required name prefix for cloud and CDP resources, e.g. cldr1

# ------- Cloud Settings -------
aws_region = "<ENTER_VALUE>" # Change this to specify Cloud Provider region, e.g. eu-west-1

# ------- CDP Environment Deployment -------
deployment_template = "<ENTER_VALUE>"  # Specify the deployment pattern below. Options are public, semi-private or private

Expand for Azure configuration file
# ------- Global settings -------
env_prefix = "<ENTER_VALUE>" # Required name prefix for cloud and CDP resources, e.g. cldr1

# ------- Cloud Settings -------
azure_region = "<ENTER_VALUE>" # Change this to specify Cloud Provider region, e.g. eastus

# ------- CDP Environment Deployment -------
deployment_template = "<ENTER_VALUE>"  # Specify the deployment pattern below. Options are public, semi-private or private

Expand for GCP configuration file
# ------- Global settings -------
env_prefix = "<ENTER_VALUE>" # Required name prefix for cloud and CDP resources, e.g. cldr1

# ------- Cloud Settings -------
gcp_project = "<ENTER_VALUE>" # Change this to specify the GCP Project ID

gcp_region = "<ENTER_VALUE>" # Change this to specify Cloud Provider region, e.g. europe-west2

# ------- CDP Environment Deployment -------
deployment_template = "<ENTER_VALUE>"  # Specify the deployment pattern below. Options are public, semi-private or private

3. Deploy Infrastructure

terraform init
terraform apply

⏱️ Note: The deployment can take up to 60 minutes.

4. Monitor Progress

You can follow the deployment process on the Cloudera on cloud Management Console from your browser at

After it completes, you can add Data Hubs and Data Services to your newly deployed environment from the Management Console UI or using the CLI.

Clean Up Resources

If you no longer need the infrastructure and Cloudera on cloud environment that's provisioned by Terraform, run the following command to remove the deployment infrastructure and terminate all resources.

terraform destroy

⏱️ Note: Cleanup of the deployment will take about 20 minutes.

Additional Authentication & Configuration Notes

SSH keys

By default the Terraform quickstarts will create a new SSH keypair that will be associated with all nodes provisioned by Cloudera on cloud. The private key will be stored in the <env_prefix>-ssh-key.pem file of the Terraform cloud provider project directory.

To use an existing SSH key, set the keypair name (for AWS) or public key text (for Azure and GCP) variable in the terraform.tvars file.

Access to UI and API endpoints

By default inbound access to the UI and API endpoints of your deployment will be allowed from the public IP of executing host.

To add additional CIDRs or IP ranges, set the optional ingress_extra_cidrs_and_ports variable in the terraform.tvars file.

Notes on AWS authentication

  • Details of the different methods to authenticate with AWS are available in the aws Terraform provider docs.

  • The most common ways to specify AWS access and secret keys are:

    • via environment variables (i.e. setting the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY) or;
    • via shared configuration/credential files (e.g. the $HOME/.aws/credentials file). The AWS_PROFILE environment variable can be set to specify a named AWS profile.
  • Note that the AWS region to use should always be specifed as a Terraform input variable (with the aws_region variable). This region variable is also used an input to the CDP deploy module used to identify the Cloud Provider region.

Notes on Azure authentication

  • Where you have more than one Azure Subscription the id to use can be passed via the the ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID environment variable.

  • When using a Service Principal (SP) to authenticate with Azure, it is not possible to authenticate with azuread Terraform Provider (the provider used to create the Azure Cross Account AD Application) with the command az login --service-principal. We found the the best way to authenticate using an SP is by setting environment variables. Details of required environment variables are in the azuread docs and azurerm docs and summarized below.

    export ARM_CLIENT_ID="<sp_client_id>"
    export ARM_CLIENT_SECRET="<sp_client_secret>"
    export ARM_TENANT_ID="<sp_tenant_id>"
    export ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID="<sp_subscription_id>" 
  • The Azure API permissions listed are required by the provisioning account to create the Azure pre-requisite resources. Note that all permissions are of type Application (rather than Delegated).

API Permission Purpose
Microsoft Graph - Application.Read.All Read all applications
Microsoft Graph - Application.ReadWrite.All Read and write all applications
Microsoft Graph - Application.ReadWrite.OwnedBy Manage apps that this app creates or owns
Microsoft Graph - Directory.ReadWrite.All Read and write directory data
Microsoft Graph - User.Read.All Read all users' full profiles

Notes on GCP authentication

  • The Getting Started Docs for Google Terraform Provider gives details on the two recommended ways to authenticate with the GCP API.

    1. The Google Cloud SDK (gcloud) can be installed and a User Application Default Credentials ("ADCs") can be created by running the command gcloud auth application-default login

    2. A Google Cloud Service Account key file can be generated and downloaded. The GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable can then be set to the location of the file.

      export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=<location_of_gcp_sa_json_file>
  • The Google Cloud IAM roles listed below are required by the provisioning account to create the GCP pre-requisite resources.

    IAM Role
    Compute Network Admin
    Compute Security Admin
    Role Administrator
    Security Admin
    Service Account Admin
    Service Account Key Admin
    Storage Admin
  • The Google project Id can be specified via the gcp_project input variable, the GOOGLE_PROJECT environment variable or the default project set via the Cloud SDK. This is described in the Google Provider Default Values Configuration documentation.