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Cloud Foundry Management Demo

A demonstration of Cloud Foundry Management for syncing your LDAP directory to Cloud Foundry roles. Currently designed to run entirely on your local machine to simplify setup and allow demonstrations when network connections are unavailable or unreliable. I'm working toward getting adapting it to target any Pivotal Cloud Foundry and LDAP directory rather than just the local PCFdev. You can do that pretty readily yourself, I just want to make it easier for you.


  1. VirtualBox 5.0 or higher, which is required to run PCFdev.
  2. An LDAP server. I use Docker for Mac and the Docker image that Caleb Washburn created for testing cf-mgmt.
  3. Concourse to run the pipelines that CF Management creates. I've developed and tested this with Concourse Lite, but the Concourse team has deprecated that in favor of conourse-deployment. The changes should be transparent.
  4. The OpenLDAP utilities. You've already got them installed if you're on a Mac, and if you're not then your package manager can take care of it for you (see this tutorial from Digital Ocean on how to use them, it has an install step).
  5. direnv. Not strictly necessary, but the instructions assume it's there and it really improves your experience with the demo.
  6. Your own fork of this repository. Concourse will load configuration files from the repository, and the demo commits changes to it to support that. I'm sure you're very nice, but I'm not going to let you commit to my repo.

Running the demo

  1. Check out your fork of this repository and change into that directory.
  2. Make sure that PCF, your LDAP Server, and Concourse are running. In my setup I do this with
$ cf dev start
$ docker pull cwashburn/ldap
$ docker run -d -p 389:389 --name ldap -t cwashburn/ldap
  1. If you are running PCF Dev: Update the uaa.yml fle on your PCFDev instance to connect your PCFDev instance to your LDAP server. You'll only need to do this when you create a new PCFDev instance. If you're using an instance you've already modified, the change will persist. If you're using another PCF instance, you'll need to make sure that the LDAP server is configured in Operations Manager. Restart PCF dev after your make the change.
$ cf dev ssh
vcap@agent-id-pcfdev-0:~$ sudo sed -i -e 's#^spring_profiles: .*$#spring_profiles: [ mysql, ldap ]#' /var/vcap/jobs/uaa/config/uaa.yml
vcap@agent-id-pcfdev-0:~$ cat <<LDAP | sudo tee -a  /var/vcap/jobs/uaa/config/uaa.yml
    file: "ldap/ldap-search-and-bind.xml"
    url: 'ldap://'
    mailAttributeName: 'mail'
    userDn: 'cn=admin,dc=pivotal,dc=org'
    password: 'password'
    mailAttributeName: 'mail'
    searchBase: 'ou=people,o=sevenSeas,dc=pivotal,dc=org'
    searchFilter: 'uid={0}'
vcap@agent-id-pcfdev-0:~$ sudo /var/vcap/bosh/bin/monit restart uaa
  1. Take a look at the .envrc file. If you are using PCFDev, the OpenLDAP docker container, and a local Concourse you shouldn't need to change it. If you're using other options, you'll need to edit it. If you're not sure what/how to edit, give it a go locally instead. Since you have your own fork, why not commit the changes?
  2. Load the demo data into your LDAP server with the data command. Through the magic of direnv, it's in your path if you're in the working directory from your checkout.
  3. Initialize the demo with the init command. This will prepare your repository for use with the cf-mgmt pipelines and initailize cf-mgmt. The script creates a branch for the demo and enables the pipelines and your CF management config to be committed.
  4. Configure CF Management for the demo with the config command. This will generate the config files needed to sync the directory with PCF, and commit them to the demo branch.
  5. Generate pipelines that automate CF Management synchronization with the pipeline command. This will customize the pipelines for your demo, upload them to your Concourse environment, and unpause them so they'll beging to run.
  6. Watch the pipelines run. If you're running locally, you can click here to see them.
  7. Login to PCF and use cf orgs and cf spaces to inspect what was created. You can also use cf org-users and cf space-users to see how roles were assigned.
$ cf login -a --skip-ssl-validation
$ cf orgs
$ cf spaces
  1. Edit orgs.yml and commit/push your changes. Watch the pipeline execute and re-inspect your orgs and spaces.
  2. When you're done with the demo, you can clean up after yourself with the cleanup. It will put your fork back to it's original state without the demo branch.


A demonstration of cf-mgmt







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