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Dockstore Load/Performance/Stress Tester


Running the tests works with Java 17. It's not working with Java 21, I haven't looked into why.

Running the comparison tool, gatling-report-6.0-capsule-fat.jar, seems to require Java 8 (maybe it works with 11, I don't have it installed).

To test, optionally, GitHub apps, you will need a GitHub app installation id, of a GitHub app installed for the Dockstore instance being tested, as well as a curator token.


You can configure the following properties with -D, e.g., -DtimeInMinutes=5. Defaults are in the pom.xml.

  • baseUrl -- the Dockstore webservice endpoint to run the tests against; defaults to http://localhost:4200
  • timeInMinutes -- how many minutes to run the simulation
  • terraRequestsRps -- the number of requests per second by Terra
  • crawlerRequestsRps -- the number of crawler requests per second
  • webSiteUsers -- the number of website users
  • trsRequestsPerHour -- the number of requests to fetch TRS tools per hour
  • githubNotificationsPerHour -- the number of GitHub app notifications per hour
  • installationId -- a GitHub installation ID
  • curatorToken -- A Dockstore curator's token
  • maxResponseTimeMs -- if any API call takes longer than this, simulation will fail; default is 10,000, which is probably too high
  • successThreshold -- the percentage of calls that should pass; if less, the simulation fails; default is 95
  • scenario -- the name of a specific scenario to run; if not specified, runs all scenarios

Regarding the last two items:

  1. The tests will still run to completion regardless; if there are failures, there will a message so indicating at the end.
  2. At lower loads, the tests will typically all pass (TRS ones may time out on a local instance); failures start happening when the load becomes too high.

Simulation Scenarios

  1. Terra Requests: Simulates a workflow running in Terra, that fetches the primary descriptor. The rate is controlled by the terraRequestsRps property, defaults to 4 per second. Fetches a WDL descriptor files that are specified in data/workflows.csv.
  2. Terra Version: Fetches a descriptor's versions, currently controlled by webSiteUsers (a Terra workflow run fetches a descriptor's versions a couple of times)
  3. Web site users: Simulates a non-authorized user going through the web site, home page, search, go to a workflow, download its zip. The number of users, controlled by the webSiteUsers property, is spread out over the duration of the run. It defaults to 6.
  4. Trs : Simulates requests being made to fetch all TRS tools and then fetching a tool, using both TRS v1 and v2. And makes the calls Galaxy search uses. Controlled by trsRequestsPerHour.
  5. GitHub Notifications - Invokes the GitHub release API. Invokes them against the repositories in data/githubRefresh.csv. Note this scenario will only be run if installationId and curatorToken are both set, otherwise it is skipped.

Curator token and Installation Id

The tests can invoke the /workflows/github/release endpoint, the same endpoint invoked indirectly invoked by GitHub Apps from AWS API Gateway, to simulate GitHub App notifications.

Running the tests

./mvnw clean test-compile gatling:test

To increase the number of web site users to 20 and decrease the run time to 1 minute:

./mvnw clean test-compile gatling:test -DwebSiteUsers=20 -DtimeInMinutes=1

To run the crawler scenario for 10 minutes:

./mvnw clean test-compile gatling:test -Dscenario=CrawlerScenario -DtimeInMinutes=10

Running Execution Metrics Test

There is a Maven profile to make this easier. The arguments you can tweak are timeInMinutes, the duration of the test, and maxMetricsRPS, which is the maximum requests per second. This test evenly ramps up from 1 request per second to maxMetricsRPS, e.g., if the test duration is 10 minutes and the max requests per second is 100, at 1 minute into the test it will execute 10rps, at 5 minutes in, it will execute 50rps, etc.

The publishedVersions.csv was compiled by fetching published workflows via the TRS API (nothing secret), although it's possible not all workflows will be in all Dockstore environments, and/or some workflows might get unpublished, so some 404s might happen. The file was getting too large for GitHub, so it's a subset of published workflows.

./mvnw clean test-compile gatling:test -P execution-metrics -DcuratorToken=$curatorToken -DtimeInMinutes=6 -DmaxMetricsRPS=30


At the end of the run, the output location will be displayed, that you can open in a browser, e.g.,

Please open the following file: /Users/charlesoverbeck/git/dockstore/dockstore-load-tester/target/gatling/dockstorewebuser-20181108213044663/index.html

The directory with the index.html file also has a simulation.log file, which has the raw data, if you wish to look at it in a non-GUI format.

Comparing Results

Gatling report lets you compare runs. Get it from:;quick~gatling-report. Note that on Feb 8, the site's certificate has expired, so if that's still an issue, build it from the GitHub repo.

# This version of Gatling needs to be run with Java 8.
java -jar gatling-report-6.0-capsule-fat.jar target/gatling/dockstorewebuser-20181109062654032/simulation.log \
    target/gatling/dockstorewebuser-20181113210759185/simulation.log \
    -o newdirectory

This will generate a newdirectory/index.html file, which you can open in the browser to get a view like this nuxeo screenshot.


Figuring JSON paths can be tricky. I find this site useful in interactively figuring out the expression.

For debugging, look at the file logback-test.xml. Here you can choose between printing the logs of only failed or all HTTP requests to the console.


  1. Configurably set Gatling .disableCaching parameter.
    1. For simulating web users, I assume the caching is done on a per-user basis, which is what we would want, as the browser would cache requests based on headers. Need to verify.
    2. For simulating API calls, we probably want to disable caching, as HTTP client libraries don't do that, AFAIK.
  2. Make all inputs external, at least optionally, so that if you change a CSV file, you don't need to rebuild.
  3. SearchPage only searches one term, author. Ideally would do more complex searches.
  4. Add checks for things that take too long. This is done globally and is configurable, but should maybe add checks for certain key APIs.
  5. Figure out creating hosted tools test. Problem is that I cannot generate a unique name for the tools like I can for workflows.
  6. A lot of endpoints are not tested. See Requests.scala -- all the paths that are commented out are not tested.
  7. Current simulation, DockstoreWebUser.scala, more or less simulates the calls a web user would make by visiting various Dockstore web pages. There are other simulations we should consider modeling
    1. Scripts or other programmatic access to the API
    2. Emulate how Broad UI might access Dockstore
    3. ???


Dockstore Load/Performance/Stress Tester



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