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Monorepo Organization

John Darragh edited this page Feb 5, 2021 · 1 revision

The Food Oasis project consists of two packages: server and client, each with their own folder under the root folder. Each of these folders has its own package.json file, so each package is configured independently as far as its npm dependencies and version number. This eliminates unintended interaction among the packages. Note that the package.json file in the root folder should not contain run-time npm dependencies of the packages, and a version number of "independent". In particular, the root directory only has:

  • The husky package to implement a git-commit hook that runs the linter when a developer attempts to make a commit to the local repo and
  • Lerna which allows you to run a command from the root directory, which, in turn gets run for each of the packages where such a command is defined.

The lerna.json file contains a packages property that determines which folders are to be treated as packages.

The driving motivation for this folder organization is to separate package-specific operations for each package's folder. The root folder itself is reserved for git and devops operations, such as pre-commit linting and docker operations, some of which are outlined below.

Root Folder Operations

The lerna npm module allows you to use a single command from the root directory to run similarly named scripts in any of the package folders that have such a script defined.

For example, the command

lerna run lint

will effectively call npm run lint in both the server and client folders. This paritcular command is what allows Husky to execute the linter on both projects in its pre-commit hook.

NOTE: If you get an error bash: lerna: command not found on Windows 10, you may need to add %AppData%\npm to your PATH Environment Variable and re-start your bash shell.

Building and Running a Full-Stack Docker Container on your local Docker Engine

You can build a full-stack docker container with the command

docker build -t fola .

For further information on docker operations see Docker.

Package Folder Operations

Most other command-line operations are performed from a terminal window opened to the package's folder.

Running the application in debug mode

For example, running

npm start

in the server folder will start the server application on your local machine and control that terminal window until the server is stopped. Likewise, the client folder is configured such that running the same npm start command in a terminal window will compile and run the client in a separate process and occupy that terminal window until the client app is terminated.

Installing New NPM Packages

To make each package easy to maintain, we do not attempt to share dependencies among different packages in the repo. Consequently, when you find that the client, for example, needs a new or updated NPM package, PLEASE run the corresponding npm install or npm update command from the package's folder only (not the root folder).

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