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Install Subliminal With Git Submodules or Manually

Jeffrey Wear edited this page Apr 3, 2014 · 6 revisions

By this point, you should have created an Integration Tests target. If not, please follow the directions here first.

Now, navigate to your project's directory using Terminal. Then, download and add Subliminal to your Integration Tests directory. If you're using git for your project, add Subliminal as a submodule:

cd Integration\ Tests
git submodule add

Otherwise manually download and add Subliminal to Integration Tests/Subliminal.

Installing Supporting Files

Now, install Subliminal's supporting files, including test file templates and documentation:

cd Subliminal
rake install

If you'd rather read Subliminal's documentation online you can execute rake install DOCS=no instead.

Adding Subliminal to Your Project

Open the Subliminal directory in Finder by running open .. Then, add Subliminal to your project by dragging its project file into your Integration Tests group.


Depending on your project's settings, some extra schemes may have been created when you dragged Subliminal's project file into your project. Press and hold over your current scheme and choose the "Manage Schemes..." option. From the resulting dropdown menu, highlight the schemes shown in the image (if they're present), then press delete.

Now, link Subliminal to the Integration Tests target. To do this, open the project inspector by selecting your project in the navigator pane. Then select your Integration Tests target and then the Build Phases tab, and add libSubliminal.a to the list titled "Link Binary With Libraries".

Also add Subliminal to the list of "Target Dependencies". This builds libSubliminal.a on-demand, before your application links it.

Subliminal provides an xcconfig file to configure the rest of your target's settings. To apply this file to your target, expand Subliminal's project reference in your navigator pane, right-click on the Integration Tests.xcconfig file to show it in the Finder, and then drag it from the Finder into the base level of your Integration Tests group as a reference (don't copy the file).

Now, select your project within the project inspector, navigate to the "Info" tab, and base the configurations used to build your Integration Tests target off Integration Tests.xcconfig.

Next: Add Test Running Code to your Target

With Subliminal installed, the final step is to add the code to run Subliminal tests.