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Justin Turney edited this page Feb 26, 2015 · 6 revisions


Ambit requires a C++11 capable compiler. Other requirements include:

  • Boost 1.55+
  • CMake 3
  • Python 2.6+, if compiling the Python interface, additionally require Boost.Python.

If compiling the distributed backend the following are necessary:


To install Boost on Mac using Homebrew type

% brew install boost --c++11

Boost.Python is provided by a different Homebrew recipe:

% brew install boost-python --c++11


To install CMake on Mac using Homebrew type

% brew install cmake


Clone the Cyclops repository:

% git clone

Change into the ctf directory and copy one of the templates from the mkfiles directory.

% cd ctf
% cp mkfiles/

If needed, edit the file to fit your system. You may need to modify the math library variables to match your system. Lastly, compile Cyclop.

% make


Clone the Elemental repository:

% git clone --recursive

Using CMake, configure Elemental for compilation. Elemental defaults to creating shared libraries at this time we require static libraries (BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF). For testing purposes, set CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=PureDebug. Also, ensure the MPI compilers can be found in your path.


Once successfully configured compile:

% make

Compiling ambit

Use the setup script found in the top source directory of ambit. For compiling a simple serial, debug version of the library use:

% setup --type=debug

For a release version using the Intel compilers including vectorization:

% setup --cc=icc --cxx=icpc --type=release --vectorization

For a debug version with the Cyclops distributed backend and LAPACK functionality from Elemental:

% setup --type=debug --mpi --cyclops=/Users/jturney/Build/ctf --elemental=/Users/jturney/Build/elemental/pure_debug

The MPI compiler (mpicxx) is expected to be found in your path. It is assumed that the path given to the --cyclops option there is a lib directory with libctf.a and an include directory with ctf.hpp. Likewise, for the path given for --elemental there exists libEl.a and an include directory with El.h and El.hpp. The locations for Cyclops and Elemental given in the example above are specific to my computer.

Upon successful setup, simply call make:

% make
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