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GitHub Action

SimpleCov+ Action


SimpleCov+ Action


SimpleCov+ Action

Enabling SimpleCov support for Github Actions


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: SimpleCov+ Action

uses: joshmfrankel/[email protected]

Learn more about this action in joshmfrankel/simplecov-check-action

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SimpleCov+ Action

A Github check action which displays failing test coverage from SimpleCov while providing the option to fail a build based on minimum coverage threshold.

Github PR Check UI

Want to see more examples of this check in action? 😉 See

Basic Installation

In order for SimpleCov+ Action to function properly, you first need the simplecov gem. See Getting Started.

Assuming you've followed the guide above (you have the gem in your Gemfile and have properly setup test_helper.rb), then the only other step is to utilize the Github action within your workflow.

  # However you run your tests to generate code coverage
  - name: Run my tests
    run: |
      bundle exec rspec specs/

  # Minimum configuration
  - uses: joshmfrankel/simplecov-check-action@main
      github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

Configuration Options

See for all available options and their defaults.

Most useful is the minimum_coverage option as it allows specification as to the value at which a failure result should be produced.

Advanced Installation

The advanced installation switches the coverage failing mode from overall test coverage to per file coverage. This is similiar to the minimum_coverage_by_file option that SimpleCov provides. See minimum_coverage_by_file

In order to activate advanced mode, you'll need to configure the simplecov-json gem. See Usage for simplecov-json.

You'll need to setup both the standard formatter as well as json formatter within your test_helper.rb. Example below:

require "simplecov"
require "simplecov-json"
SimpleCov.formatters =[
SimpleCov.start do
  # your config

One large benefit to this approach is that your code coverage minimum threshold is less skewed by outlier results. Said best by the SimpleCov documentation:

You can define the minimum coverage by file percentage expected... This is useful to help ensure coverage is relatively consistent, rather than being skewed by particularly good or bad areas of the code.

Example configuration

Still struggling to set this up? SimpleCov+ Action utilizes itself within a Github workflow. You can view the workflow and the spec_helper files for a good example of how to configure this check.

Example Github Workflow

Example Spec Helper SimpleCov Setup