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Terraform Prometheus stack module

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This is Terraform module to install and configure the kube-prometheus-stack helm chart. It also allows to control the grafana annotations to secure the grafana access, trough nginx-ingress + cert-manager.

This module could also install the Prometheus Adapter helm chart.

This module is provided without any kind of warranty and is GPL3 licensed.

Configuration Helm and Kubernetes providers

provider "kubernetes" {
  host                   = # reference cluster endpoint
  cluster_ca_certificate = # reference cluster ca certificate base64decode
  token                  = # reference access token

provider "helm" {
  kubernetes {
    host                   = # reference cluster endpoint
    cluster_ca_certificate = # reference cluster ca certificate base64decode
    token                  = # reference access token


locals {
  prometheus_stack_additional_values = yamlencode({
    commonLabels: {
      label1: "this-is-my-first-label"
      label2: "this-is-my-second-label"
  prometheus_adapter_additional_values = yamlencode({
    resources: {
      requests: {
        cpu: "10m",
        memory: "32Mi"

module "kube_prometheus_stack" {
  source = "sparkfabrik/terraform-sparkfabrik-prometheus-stack"

  prometheus_stack_chart_version          = "31.0.0"
  prometheus_adapter_chart_version        = "3.0.1"
  namespace                               = "kube-prometheus-stack"
  regcred                                 = "regcred-secret"
  grafana_ingress_host                    = ""
  grafana_ingress_class                   = "nginx"
  grafana_cluster_issuer_name             = "prod-certmanager"
  grafana_tls_secret_name                 = "monitoring-tls"
  grafana_ingress_basic_auth_username     = "admin"
  grafana_ingress_basic_auth_message      = "Grafana basic auth"

  prometheus_stack_additional_values      = local.prometheus_stack_additional_values
  prometheus_adapter_additional_values    = local.prometheus_adapter_additional_values

Upgrading from 3.Y.Z to 4.0.0

For the upgrading note, see the CHANGELOG note for the 4.0.0 release.

Upgrading from 2.Y.Z to 3.0.0

Upgrading to 3.0.0 from 2.Y.Z will cause the destruction of the namespace and the basic auth secret. You will need to remove these resources from the state and import them in the new v1 resources.

# Remove the resources from the state
terraform state rm 'module.MODULE_NAME.kubernetes_namespace.kube_prometheus_stack_namespace[0]'
terraform state rm 'module.MODULE_NAME.kubernetes_secret.kube_prometheus_ingress_auth[0]'

# Import the resources in the new v1 resources
terraform import 'module.MODULE_NAME.kubernetes_namespace_v1.kube_prometheus_stack_namespace[0]' kube-prometheus-stack
terraform import 'module.MODULE_NAME.kubernetes_secret_v1.kube_prometheus_ingress_auth[0]' kube-prometheus-stack/kube-prometheus-stack-basic-auth

Because of the change of the the prometheus_stack_additional_values and prometheus_adapter_additional_values variable types, from string to list(string), you will need to change the way you pass the values to the module. If you are using a single value, you only need to wrap it in a list, as shown below:

prometheus_stack_additional_values = [
      var01 = "value01"
      var02 = "value02"

Updgrade from 1.1.0 to 2.0.0

Upgrading to 2.0.0 from 1.1.0 will destroy and recreate the basic auth password, which is now different from Grafana admin password, and will update the relative basic auth secret value.

Upgrading to version 2.0.0 will also cause the destruction of the namespace, which now becomes an array. This implies that it will have to destroy also the Helm release. To avoid destruction of the Helm release, you will need to use the moved resource, to move the namespace as shown below:

moved {
  from = module.MODULE_NAME.kubernetes_namespace.kube_prometheus_stack_namespace
  to   = moudle.MODULE_NAME.kubernetes_namespace.kube_prometheus_stack_namespace[0]


Name Version
helm >= 2.0
kubernetes >= 2.23
random >= 3.0


Name Version
terraform >= 1.0
helm >= 2.0
kubernetes >= 2.23
random >= 3.0


Name Description Type Default Required
create_namespace If true, the namespace will be created. If false, a namespace called as specified in you var.namespace variable, must exists in your Kubernetes cluster. bool true no
grafana_admin_user Grafana basic auth username. If the variable is left empty, the basic auth will not be activated and you will use only the standard Grafana authentication. string "admin" no
grafana_cluster_issuer_name Resource representing the cluster issuer of cert-manager (used to deploy a TLS certificate for Grafana ingress). If the variable is left empty, the annotations will not be added. string "" no
grafana_ingress_basic_auth_message Grafana basic auth message. string "Authentication Required" no
grafana_ingress_basic_auth_username Grafana basic auth username. If the variable is left empty, the basic auth will not be activated and you will use only the standard Grafana authentication. string "admin" no
grafana_ingress_class Ingress Class string "nginx" no
grafana_ingress_host Grafana ingress host. If the variable is left empty, the ingress will not be enabled. string "" no
grafana_tls_secret_name TLS secret name. If the variable is left empty, the value will be filled by the module using default value. string "" no
namespace This is the namespace used to install kube-prometheus-stack. string "kube-prometheus-stack" no
prometheus_adapter_additional_values Override values for prometheus-adapter release. If this variable is not an empy list, it will be merged with the other values. list(string) [] no
prometheus_adapter_chart_version Chart version Prometheus Adapter. If the variable prometheus_adapter_enabled is set to false, the Prometheus Adapter Chart will not be installed. string "4.10.0" no
prometheus_adapter_enabled If true, the Prometheus Adapter Chart will be installed. bool false no
prometheus_stack_additional_values Override values for kube-prometheus-stack release. If this variable is not an empy list, it will be merged with the other values. list(string) [] no
prometheus_stack_chart_version Chart version Prometheus-stack. You can change the version of the chart to install a different version of the chart, but the shipped values are created for the specified version. string "59.0.0" no
regcred Name of the secret of the docker credentials. string "" no


Name Description
grafana_admin_password Grafana administrator password
grafana_admin_user Grafana administrator username


Name Type
helm_release.kube_prometheus_stack resource
helm_release.prometheus_adapter resource
kubernetes_namespace_v1.kube_prometheus_stack_namespace resource
kubernetes_secret_v1.kube_prometheus_ingress_auth resource
random_password.basic_auth_password resource
random_password.grafana_admin_password resource


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