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PlantBreedGame is a software implementing a serious game to teach selective breeding via the example of a fictitious annual plant species to students at the master level. It takes the form of a Shiny application, benefiting from the R programming language and software environment for statistical computing.

This software is available under a free software license, the GNU Affero General Public License (version 3 and later); see the COPYING file. The copyright is owned by the Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA) and Montpellier SupAgro.

It is versioned using the git software, the central repository being hosted here on GitHub, and the institutional repository being hosted there on SourceSup. The README file is available at


You can discover an example online here.


The recomended way to run this web application is by using its Docker image.

Before running the game make sure to install a recent version of Docker on your system. To install Docker please refer to their official documentation:

The docker images of this application is available on Docker Hub at juliendiot/plantbreedgame.

Those images are tagged in 3 different ways:

  • latest: The latest stable version
  • development: The latest development version
  • X.X.X: The image corresponding to plantBreedGame version X.X.X

In the following commands, you can replace juliendiot/plantbreedgame:latest with the version you want to use eg. juliendiot/plantbreedgame:1.1.0 or juliendiot/plantbreedgame:development.

Once docker is installed on your system you can start the game application with the command:

docker run -d --rm --name plantbreedgame -p 80:3838 \
    -v /host/path/to/plantBreedGameData:/var/lib/plantBreedGame \

The options used in this command are detailed in the official documentation of the docker run command.

There is a quick breakdown to present some option you can modify:

  • --name plantbreedgame specify the name of the container.
  • -p 80:3838 control the port mapping between the docker container and the host. Here:
    • 80 is the port on the host (your machine). You can choose another available port if you like.
    • 3838 is the port the application is listenning to inside the container. You can not modify it.
  • -v /host/path/to/plantBreedGameData:/var/lib/plantBreedGame control where the application will save data to allow persistent storage across container runs.
    • /host/path/to/plantBreedGameData is the path on the host where the game data is stored you should replace with the actual path you want to use.
    • /var/lib/plantBreedGame is the directory inside the container where the game will store its data. You cannot change this path.

Once you launched the game, the application will be available at: http://localhost:80

Note: For testing purpose, you can ommit the option -v /host/path/to/plantBreedGameData:/var/lib/plantBreedGame. However, game's data will not persist if you stop the container.

To stop the container you can use:

docker stop plantbreedgame

Note: In case you use a different container name, you should replace plantbreedgame with the name of the container specify with the --name option you used to start the container.

Other installation method

For people on Mac or Linux (or Windows subsystem for linux), you can instal the game with Nix.

To install nix you can visit:

Once Nix is installed you can lanch the game application with

mkdir plantBreedGame # create a new directory
cd plantBreedGame # move to this directory
nix build github:timflutre/PlantBreedGame # build the application
./result/bin/plantBreedGame --host --port 3838 # start the application

The game data will be stored at $HOME/.local/share/plantBreedGame.

Installation for multiplayer session

This application currently suffer from optimization problems when several players are connected and play at the same time. When one user make a long request to the application, it becomes unresponsive for all the other users.

It is possible to work around these problems by launching several game instances targeting the same plantBreedGame volume, and make each player use a different instance.

For example to start 2 instances you can run:

docker run -d --rm --name plantbreedgame_A -p 81:3838 \
    -v /host/path/to/plantBreedGameData:/var/lib/plantBreedGame \
docker run -d --rm --name plantbreedgame_B -p 82:3838 \
    -v /host/path/to/plantBreedGameData:/var/lib/plantBreedGame \

One instance will be accessible on port 81 and the other on port 82.

You can then set-up your web server's router to serve each of these instances on different URLs, or let users access directly port 81 or 82.

Like that, when eg. Player-A make a long request to plantbreedgame_A, plantbreedgame_B will not be affected and will be responsive for Player-B.


Game Initialisation

To start playing, the game need some specific data (eg. the genotypes and haplotypes of the initial population, a data-base...). This initialisation can be done through the game.

The first time you run the application, most of the game menus will show a message asking you to initialise the game. To do so you need to go to the Admin menu, and in Game Initialisation tab. There you will find some parametres you can tweak to customise the game and a button that will start the game initialisation. Once the initialisation is completed (which takes about 2 minutes), the page will automatically reload and you will be able to connect and play the game.

The game initialisation will automatically create an admin breeder with the default password 1234.

If the game have already been initialise, it is also possible to re-initialise it to start a new "fresh game". However in such case all the data of the game will be lost.

How to play

Once the application is installed and working, please read the game rules (tab How to play?) and start by downloading the initial data set as well as example files showing how requests should be formatted (all files listed at the bottom of the tab How to play?).

Before making any request, such as phenotyping, you need to log in (tab Identification). To get a sense of how the interface works, you can use the "test" breeder with the "tester" status which doesn't require any password and isn't subject to time restriction.

All your files, whether they are inputs for a request or outputs of a request, are available for download in the tab Identification (once logged in). But remember that regular players (not testers nor the game master) have time restrictions. This means that, even if a plant material request is successful, you will have to wait before using your new genotypes in other crosses or before requesting data on it. Similarly, even if a phenotyping/genotyping request is successfull, you will have to wait before downloading the output file.

For your selection to work, you need to analyze the initial data carefully. The Theory tab can be helpful.

The Evaluation tab can be used to compare new genotypes (from different players) with the initial lines.

If you want to organize a real playing session, you need to create as many breeders as there are players or players teams. For this, you need to log in as the "admin" breeder. Initially, its password is set to 1234, but this can (and should!) be changed via the tab Admin. This tab also allows a game master to create new breeders and sessions, among other things.

Development environment

Nix ❄️

This repository uses a "nix flake" and direnv. If you have nix and direnv installed just cd in this repo, enable direnv (direnv allow) and all dependencies will be automatically installed and available in a dedicated environment.

After clonning this repository, and cd to it you can then launch the application with:

nix run

To install nix you can visit:

Dependencies update

Most of the dependencies (eg. R and its packages) are handled with nix. To update the dependencies just run:

nix flake update

However, playwright (the tool used to test the UI) is handeled by npm but the web browser it uses are handled by nix and we need to use the same version of playwright in the node project as in nix, or else playwright will try to use browsers versions that aren't installed! (cf. nixos wiki).

There is an example of such error:

Test was interrupted.

    Error: browserType.launch: Executable doesn't exist at /nix/store/8hmp47k3dfdw38f82zj7yd7q351pzgh6-playwright-browsers-chromium/chromium-1080/chrome-linux/chrome

To make sure the same version are installed:

    1. Check the nix playwright's version:
    which playwright # to make sure we are targeting nix's playwright
    playwright --version
    1. Specify this version in package.json
    "devDependencies": {
      "@playwright/test": "X.X.X",
    1. Run npm install --ignore-scripts to reinstall npm's playwright


As the authors invested time and effort in creating this game, please cite the following letter to the editor of Crop Science:

Flutre, T., Diot, J., and David, J. (2019). PlantBreedGame: A Serious Game that Puts Students in the Breeder’s Seat. Crop Science. DOI 10.2135/cropsci2019.03.0183le


Thanks to Philippe Brabant (AgroParisTech) and Jean-Luc Jannink (Cornell) for their feedbacks.


When encountering a problem with the package, you can report issues on GitHub directly (here).


You can contribute in various ways:

  • report an issue (online, see the above section);

  • suggest improvements (in the same way as issues);

  • propose a pull request (after creating a new branch).